6 -not edited

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Would you guys want a playlist? Also I'm sorry if some of the events in chapters aren't in the same order as the books or movies, this way it fits my storyline so sorry if this chapter is rushed or anything. I may just rewrite this chapter later on.

I DO NOT OWN THE TWILIGHT SAGA, ROSALIE'S STORY OR THIS SENTENCE........I cannot formulate an expression using tangible words from any language that would even began to express just how much you piss me off. Or the songs used in this.


Once again, I find myself very annoyed that Mike will not leave me alone. We ran into him at the diner. We had just gotten back from a shopping trip. We being Rose, Leelah, Ray and I. He stopped me as I walked out of the bathroom.  Even after high-school he will not leave me alone.

"Please Bella. One chance." He begs for the third time. I clench my fist, closing my eyes and breathe deeply.

"I've told you before and this is the last time I will say this. I do not like you, Mike. I will never like you. I am with Rosalie." I say slowly while glaring at him.

"So, is that a yes or a no?" He asks. I groan and turn to walk away but he grabs my arm. I immediately spin around toward him while swinging my other arm back, punching him in the nose. He lets go of me and grabs his now bleeding nose.

"Do not touch me." I practically growl. "I cannot formulate an expression using tangible words from any language that would even began to express just how much you piss me off. That is a definite no." I stomp off towards Rosalie and see her laughing at what I just said.

My anger vanishes the second I see her smile. My shoulders sag and I go to sit back down next to her. Instead she pulls me onto her lap, wrapping her arms around me.

"Hi." I grin as she says hi back. I ignore the weird looks that we're receiving and turn my body more to take a drink of my coke.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" I ask while drumming my fingers on Rosalie's forearm, eager to go and see Jake. Thankfully, we left really early this morning so I still have time to go see Jake for a while before the party.

"Well after the party, you are staying over and Bree will stay at your house with the girls." She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. I stop drumming my fingers, my eagerness replaced with worry.

You okay?

I will be. She smiles reassuringly. I lightly squeeze her arm.

"You guys ready?" I turn back the girls.

"Yea." They grin. They share the same look and I narrow my eyes at them.

"What are you up to?" I ask while leaning forward, my hands under my chin.

"Nothing." They reply simultaneously. I narrow my eyes further and Raina chuckles nervously. I fix my glare on her, looking in her eyes.

"We're pranking Bree!" She yells. "How do you do that? It's like your looking into my soul." She says dramatically while putting a hand to her chest.

I smile innocently and lean back against Rosalie. We get up and leave a few minutes later.


"We talked about this, Jake! What don't you understand?" I run my fingers through my hair and turn away from him, facing the scenery instead. 

"Then we're talking about it again! Why are you still involved with him? They left you, Bella!" He yells stepping closer to me. I take a step backwards almost losing my footing and falling.

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