4 - not edited

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Sorry this is kinda short but I have been super busy and have a lot going on right now. I haven't had the best mind set lately.


   I stare and my reflection in the mirror and grab my concealer. I cover up the dark circles under my eyes and grab my eyeliner. I do a small wing and apply mascara. I clasp a necklace around my neck and walk out of the bathroom. I put on my shoes and smooth out my black dress before walking down the stairs. Leelah and Raina are waiting by the door. Both have on similar black dresses.

Leelah drives and I stare out the window. Bree met us there and wrapped her arms around me as soon as I stepped out of the truck.

Kids from school came. Everyone from the station came. The Cullen's came. My mother and Phil came. People that I have never even met before came.

Everyone slowly started to leave when it started to downpour.

The rain dripping from my forehead mixes with my tears and my trembling lips are turning blue. I'm soaking wet from the rain. I place my hand on his gravestone and let out a choked sob.

A hand gently grabs my arm and I look up. Rosalie picks me up and next thing I know we're in her bathroom.

Rosalie's pov

I set Bella down in my bathroom and grab new clothes and towels. I set it down and run the water. I turn back around and grab Bella's hand. She looks at me and I stare into her lifeless eyes. She has makeup running down her cheeks and her eyes are red. I grab her hand and lead her toward the bath. I unzip her dress, letting it fall to the floor and unclasp her necklace. She steps out her shoes and sits in the warm water, pulling her knees up to her chest. She silently looks at me and then at the open space behind her.

I take off my dress and get in behind her. Using the removable shower head on the wall, I wet her hair. Even though her hair is already wet from the rain. I put shampoo in my hand and rub it into her hair. She tilts her head back slightly and I rinse out her hair. I wash her arms and abdomen staying away from her chest.

The water starts to get cold and I stand up. I drain the water and help her stand up. We dry off and I hand her, her clothes. I change into a shirt and a tank top and she puts on shorts and a t shirt. I grab her hand and walk to my bedroom. I grab my hairbrush and sit behind her on my bed. I brush through the knots in her hair. Most of the dye is gone now, it's fading back to her dark brown/red color.

I set the brush down and grab two sections of hair on the sides of her head, braiding them back. I pin them down and stand up. I take her hand and we walk downstairs. She curls up in the corner of the couch pulling her legs up to her chest and I sit next to her.

"I'm sorry." She says telepathically. I frown before answering.

"For what?" I ask her.

"Being like this."

"Being like what, Bella? You lost your father. It's okay if your not okay."


"You are not weak. You're one of the strongest people I know." She weakly smiles. She grabs my hand and laces her fingers through mine.

The doorbell rings and we all look around confused.

"Who would be here?" Jasper asks.

"I don't recognize the scent." Alice says.

"It's Leelah and Raina." Bree says.

"I'll get the door." Bella says. She lightly kisses my cheek before walking out of the room. I grin, excited that I get to see the only two humans that I like besides Bella. Well, I don't like Bella. I love Bella. She's my soulmate.

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