3 - not edited

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So, Bella has a gift. I decided that should be her gift along with her shield since Renesmee won't be in this. Basically she can control what people see. 
Btw, this will always be in Bella's pov unless I say otherwise.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

The air leaves my lungs as I try to refocus my wide eyes. "No." I quickly lie. "May I leave now?" He nods and I silently walk out of the station, going home.


By early Monday morning, I convinced myself to shower and go to school. I get changed into black jeans and a hoodie. I slip a pearl ring on my finger, Charlie got it for me a few yeas ago. I swallow the lump in my throat and blink back tears. I grab my keys and walk outside.


Getting out of my truck, I instantly spot the Cullen's across the lot. I haven't seen them since the formal; they went on a weekend hunting trip. I walk over to them and Rose immediately wraps her arms around me. I wrap my arms around her shoulders, burying my face in her neck and breathe in her scent.

She pulls away and studies my face. My eyes were most likely red from crying so much and I haven't slept all weekend.

"What happened?" She asks. I move my hand to her neck show her everything that happened at the station.

"She's not touching you." She growls. I move my hand to her cheek and her face softens.

"I'm so sorry, Bella." She says softly.

"What are you sorry for and who's not touching her?" Alice asks confused.

"Maybe we should go back to the house. Bella and I have some explaining to do." Rose suggests. Everyone nods and gets on the Volvo, leaving us standing in the parking lot.

"I need to get a few books from my locker, then we can leave." She nods. "But I want to show you something first, that day wasn't all bad." I grab her hand with the one that isn't on her cheek. She closes her eyes and I begin to show her when she woke me up. Then I show her when we danced.

Smiling, she opens her eyes. Our eyes lock and I rest my forehead on hers, keeping my hand on her face. She leans into my hand and closes her eyes.

I press my lips to hers in a chaste kiss.

Pulling away, we link hands and walk into the crowded halls. Rose goes to her locker that's further down the hall while I open mine and shove my books into my bag.

"Arizona!" I mentally groan as Mike jogs over to me. Is he ever going to stop using that nickname?

"Hey, Mike." I fake smile.

"What's up with your new hair and dark clothes?"

"What about it?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I don't like it, and what's up with you and Hale?"

"Well I don't like how nosy you are." I retort. "And what is going on in my love life, quite frankly, is none of your business." I state while slightly shrugging my shoulders.

"Well I don't like it." He shakes his head.

"You don't have to, Mike." I sigh.

"Well, I don't." Yea, you said that, asshat. "You should date me instead." He offers.

I slam my locker closed and walk away with him calling after me. I walk the short distance to Rosalie, who is smirking. I push her against the lockers and kiss her passionately.

amore | bella · rosalie Where stories live. Discover now