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- This story is always in Bella's POV unless I say otherwise.

Also, friendly reminder that this book is still being edited. I know it's taking a long time and that the names changing among other things must be confusing, I'm sorry.

"So, what is it?" I ask Rosalie as she walks into her bedroom where I had been waiting for her.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm human, not blind. I know that you made sure we had as much privacy as possible tonight. Only Jasper and Bree are here other than the girls, they're the least likely to listen in. What's going on, Rose?" I reach a hand out to her, having her sit next to me on the bed.

"I want you and the girls to stay with Renee during the fight." She squeezes my hand, pulling her lip between her teeth.

"What? No. Rosalie, you know I can't do that. I can't just leave and not know what's happening!" My voice rises as panic grips at my chest, the thought of not being here to know if everyone is okay terrifying me.

"Isabella, listen to me, please." Rosalie's voice cracks and my face softens, my shoulders falling.

"Okay," I whispers as she takes my hands, I must've let go of hers when I panicked. "What are your reasons?"

"They're selfish." She warns, her eyes damp with tears that can't fall. "You're my mate and I love you, and I love those girls down the hall almost as if they were my own. I need the three of you to be safe. I can't lose you, I can't. During the meeting, you were scared because we're your family and we're all you've got left. You are that for me. I love them and they are my family, but you are my mate and that means more, that means everything."

My blurry by the time she's finished and I quickly move to wrap my arms around her neck. Rosalie's arms find their way around my waist and she pulls me even closer, so much so that I'm practically on her lap. My hand cups the back of her head as her body shakes. "Okay," I say quietly into her neck. "I'll go, we'll go." Her shoulders fall and she lets out a calming breath.

"Thank you." She lifts her head to connect our lips.

This kiss was different than all of our other kisses. This was slow but full of passion, full of a fear that's been released-the fear of not making it out of this fight.

Breaking our kiss, I hug her tightly. A knock on our door makes us lift our heads and Rosalie wipes under my eyes with her thumbs, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead before calling out a quiet, "Come in".

"Sorry if we interrupted something, we were just wondering if you wanted to do something," Gemma says with a smile.

"Things have been kind of crazy around here lately with everyone training, we haven't really gotten to spend any time together," Maeve adds.

"Of course, what did you have in mind?" I smile and pat the space next to us.

"We thought maybe we could watch a movie until the others get back, Mamma Mia! sound okay?"

"That sound perfect." Rosalie smiles, it wasn't her usual smile but under the current circumstances it was understandable and I don't think the girls even noticed.

"I'll go tell Jasper and Bree, you wanna make popcorn?" Gemma tells her sister who immediately nods, going back downstairs.

I get up and look for something more comfortable to wear during the movie, still in jeans from shopping with Esme. Settling on black, iron man shorts and Rosalie's light pink, plain hoodie, I get changed before meeting everyone else downstairs.

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