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DISCLAIMER--- I don't own the songs and quote used in the chapter or twilight.

Songs used in this chapter:

Broken home - 5 seconds of summer
Wear me out - skylar grey
Dance without you - skylar grey
Outsiders - against the current
A moment like this - kelly clarkson's version


Someone gently shakes me awake and I groan, nuzzling into what I thought was my pillow.

"Bella, you only have ten minutes to get ready for school."

My eyes shoot open and I see Rosalie slouched against my head board in fresh clothes. I sit up with a blush after realizing I was using her stomach as a pillow.

"Charlie left already." She informs. I nod and she walks out so I can change. I throw on black ripped jeans and a burgundy v neck with black vans. I put on lots of bracelets making sure to cover James' bite along with my own scars. I pull open my bedroom door and grab Rose's hand before rushing down the stairs. I trip on the last step but her arms are around me before I can hit the floor. I smile gratefully and kiss her cheek. I grab my bag and we rush out the door. She opens the door for me and blurs over to her seat.

Rose pulls the car door open for me again and everyone's head turns towards us. I grasp her hand and pull my bag over my shoulder before shutting the door.

She walks me to my locker and classroom. I walk in and sit next to Jessica in the back. As soon as I sit down she blurts out tons of questions.

"Woah Jess, slow down. I came with Rosalie because Edward and I broke up." I say calmly.

"Are you guys a thing now or something? Why were you holding hands?" She asks.

"Yes." I state. She gets weird look on her face and I glare. "Is that a problem?" I harden my voice. Her eyes widen and she quickly shakes her head after gulping.

"No, n-not at a-all." She stutters.

I smile at her fakely and look back at the teacher.

Four boring classes later I walk out of biology and to my locker where Rosalie is standing.

"Hi." She greets me smiling.

"Hi." I smile at her before putting my books into my locker. She wraps her arm over my shoulders and we walk to the canteen.

I grab an apple and a can of soda. We walk over to their table and she pulls my chair as close as possible to hers. She once again drapes her arm over my shoulders.

"Bella, we are going shopping today." Alice informs me.

"But why?" I whine, dragging out the y.

"For our senior formal and for the party we're having after graduation of course!" She grins.

Before I can reply someone yells "Ouch!" We turn our heads to where it came from, Jessica's table. She's clutching her finger in her hand. I'm assuming she cut her finger seeing as there's scissors and paper in front of her. The Cullen's freeze and I can just make out the blood dripping on the table. Rose places her hand over my heart and buries her face in my hair. I wrap my arm around her back confused.

"Isn't my scent just making it worse?" I ask.

"The opposite actually, just don't pull back." Jasper says.

I wrap my other arm around her and she breaths in deeply. She eventually pulls away and pulls me onto her lap.

Ignoring everyone's stares, I grab her hand and weave our fingers together. With my other hand I trace random patterns on the back of her hand.

amore | bella · rosalie Where stories live. Discover now