Infront of BOCD- Oak Tree

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"Why do you have my phone anyways?" Mandy asked. "You lefted at OUR table!" Massie snapped. Derrington nodded. "Whatever, I don't care but I still have everyone wrapped." Mandy smiled. "Not for long." Massie said. Alicia took out a camera when noone was looking from behind her back, and started video taping. But first she took a pic of the text from Derrick. "How the H-E-double glitter sticks are ever going show everbody?" Mandy asked. "I have my ways!" Massie said with an evil grin.

"How would you have 'your ways', your not even on top anymore; I am and I have MY ways." Mandy said. "Puh-lease, you don't have your ways because your just a wannabe who wants to be me, well you can't 'cause that just is taken." Massie screeched. "Fine I admit that I WAS trying to be like you and on top but not anymore 'cause who wants to be your prepie rich girl who doesn't know how to be herself and trys to be like the girls in magazines." And with that Mandy marched to the parking lot as she flipped her hair. Massie rolled her eyes. "Glad that's over and it'll finally be over when we show the 'Mendi' footage." She laughed.

"Look I'm sorry I agreed with Mandy's plan." Derrington said. Massie didn't answer she justed hugged him.

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