Untitled part 14

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When we got to the airport after we had frantically began to pack to get there in time. I was bombarded with hate, and girls, some where sweet but others were down right bitches to me.

A couple of girls told me to stay away from cam. Others told me that we made a cute couple and couldn't wait to see what our future was like.

I couldn't find cam any where and I was feeling depressed again.

All the seats were taken so I decided I will sit in the middle of the floor.

I did this kind of thing a lot where  if I just didn't care I would do what I wanted.

I got on my phone and called Cassie.

"Cassie hey are you free Friday night?"

"YES! but don't you think since it's Friday cam would want you with him?"

"I don't know I'm sitting here alone on the airport floor bored out of my mind. And our flight was delayed until Tuesday. So I'mma just be bored still."

"But you have cam, somethings not right?"

"I can't find him he's being involved with his fans and other girls."

"Find him and then give the phone to him."

I get up and I look around Cam is still being mobbed with girls and a couple guys but it had decreased since when we got here.

"Excuse me, sorry, did I bump you, I'm so sorry, yeah hold on Cassie."

"Cameron," I whisper I tap him and he turns around "take the phone."

He takes the phone and begins talking to Cassie and I make my way out of the crowd and go sit back down in my spot on the floor.

Cameron was obviously more caught up with other girls to notice I was now laying down on my side.

Well I had to make the best of it. I tried finding a seat again and I found one looking out the window I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran to the seat. I had remembered my violin which I was supposed to practice. I really played cello, but I wanted to bring a string instrument with me. Instead of sitting on the seat which a child had so graciously taken, I went and sat by the window where no one in the airport could hear me or see me.

I just sat there and stared at it and then I played something random. I put it away, and I stared out the window. Planes were coming in and it was starting to snow again.

A boy comes up to me, "hey you look lonely do you mind if I sit with you?"

"Um sure but don't try and kiss me or touch me I have a boyfriend."

"Of course you do"

What did he mean I'm ugly as shit and I cut myself like really no one likes me.

"Well u are boring, I'm gonna go"

"Bye" I didn't understand the point of that whole conversation

I needed Cam.
I look over at the mob and cam is looking at another girl and he then kisses her like he did to me. I feel tears stream down my face. I get up and I walk with my stuff. We had taken my car and I had the keys and his wallet all he had was his phone, and clothes. I sneak past him and I fine my phone cracked on the floor. I pick it up and run out the door and when I look back cam is still kissing her but they have moved away from the crowd.

"I thought you said you loved me" I mumble to myself. I felt so heartbroken and violated of everything I had.

I sit in the car and listen to Superficial love by Ruth B.

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