Chapter Six: Stay With Me

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Lex's P.O.V

Wow, my own aunt doesn't believe me. At this point I want to die. No one truly loves me. I feel alone. More ways of how I could die kept running through my lost mind. I walk into the bathroom that is connected to my room and locked the door. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Coltan's number. "Hello?" He says.

I kept quiet, still thinking about suicide. "Lex?" His voice rang through my head again. I took a deep breath and started to sob.

"Col I wanna die." I whispered. "Col! I want to end this all! I can't take it anymore!" I fell to the floor and brought my knees to my chest and cried aloud. "Col, I wanna die.."

"LEX! STOP WHAT EVER YOU ARE DOING." He screamed. "Dear god." He whispered. "Lex, baby listen to me, whatever it is that is causing you to think of this stupidity, you need to forget it and talk to me. What did you eat last night?" He said trying to change the subject. 

"Col, I'm gonna do it." I said getting up off the floor and broke the mirrors glass. "LEX!" He screamed as I picked up the glass.

I picked the sharpest glass and brought it to my wrist. "Lex please talk to me!" He screamed again.

"Goodbye Coltan." I ended the call right away. I took the glass and cut my wrist, left to right. It stung at first but the pain was gone after I cut another line. Five cuts later I turn the tub water on and filled it with hot water. It burned my skin but I didn't care, I had clothes on still, so it didn't burn as bad. I laid my bloody arm over the side of the tub and reached for another peice of glass. I cut on my other arm the word 'Perfect'. I took my arm with the class in hand and laid it over the side of the tub and had my other arm against the wall. The room filled with must causing me to pass out. Maybe the loss of blood made me pass out too.  Everything went black.

Coltan's P.O.V

"Lexi!" I screamed into the phone, but noticed the call ended. I cursed under my breath. "I need to get over there." I said aloud. I threw a shirt on and got into my car. I skipped a few stop signs and got on the road. I pretty much sped the whole way there.

Ten minutes later I arrive at Lexi's. No one is home but her. Her car was parked close to the curb by the drive way. I ran up to the front door and didn't knock and ran down the hall of bedrooms.

"Lex?!" I yelled. No one replied. Oh my god, please Lex, don't be dead. I love you.. Yes I love her. I always had a crush on her, since seventh grade. I walk into a room on the right and noticed the purple walls. Must be Kat's room. 

"Lex?" I wondered. I noticed a door that had steam coming out but no sound was coming from behind the door. I tried to open the door but noticed it was locked. 

"Lex if you are by the door, step away from it, I'm gonna kick it down." With no response, I kicked it down. I looked to my left and she wasn't there. I looked to my right, and saw her lying in the hot steamy water. She had blood in the tub and on her arms. I noticed on one arm was the word 'Perfect' carved deeply. 

"Lex" I said softly and picked her up out of the tub.

Her eyes were open but she wasn't answering me. I don't think she can even hear me. I changed her clothes, not looking at her body. I put her in my car and drove to the hospital. "Lex baby, please don't die. I love you. Please don't." I said as we reached a red light. She just kept on staring forward, and that scared me. She hasn't blinked since I found her.

Within a few minutes, we reached the hospital. "Somebody help me please!" I said  as I walked into the emergency entrance. 

"Whats wrong with her?" A nurse said as other nurses brought a hospital bed for me to lay her down on. 

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