Chapter Seven: One More Try

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Lexi's P.O.V

I woke up to arms holding my waist. I rushed out of them and ran across the room. I look over at my bed to look at who was sleeping next to me. The body rolls over and stares at me. It was Coltan's body. Oh thank god. I thought. I stood there standing at him for a few minutes. I don't remember how or why he is in my bed, but it must be something bad because when I call him and ask for him to stay, it's because something bad has happened. 

"Col?" I breathed. I started walking closer as he stared at me.

"Why are you out of bed?" Col said sitting up and I immediately stopped walking towards him. My eyes roamed over his body and I notice he's not wearing a shirt. My eyes widen as I look down further, he was in his jeans still. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Lex? Are you done staring at my body?" He said chuckling. I began to blush and turned around. He came behind me and I turned around. He had a devilish smile on his face. I looked down and fittled with my hands.

"What happened last night for you to stay with me?" I whispered, still looking down at my hands. With his fingertips he lifts tilts my head up so he could look me in my eyes. I felt so much love in his eyes but I just can't seem to do anything but look away. I wanted to kiss him. Hug him. Hold him. All I could do is just look away.

"Lex, look at me." I did as he said. When our eyes met I felt something I never felt with anyone. Love. I felt love for the first time. I liked that feeling too. His eyes when down to my lip then he bit his lip. That was so cute.

"Lex...Can I... Kiss you?" He asked still looking at my lips. I didn't know what to say and just stayed quiet thinking about what I should say. His eyes met mine agian and I nodded. He started kissing my lips and I kissed back. Our lips danced with an amazing passion. My hands went on his chest and went down to his abs and back up again. His hands held both of my cheeks and he closed his eyes and so did I. I think kissing me was to forget about my question I had asked before we kissed

We both needed air and he puts his forehead against mine. As our breath caught he puts some hair strands behind my ear. 

"Hey it's noon, we better get going." He says pulling away from me. Going? Going where?  I thought.

"I asked UncleMax,if I could take you camping." He talked to Uncle Max? I wonder when Max got home... Where's Kiml? Why haven't I seen her since I found out she didn't believe me about the rape?

"Where's Aunt Kim?" I asked stepping away from him. He reached out for me but I moved away.

"Lex, she was told by Max, that she had to leave because of some insadent that you all had." Tears started to fill my eyes as I remembered what happened and what caused me to be in the hospital. He grabs my arms and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey baby girl, don't cry. Everything is gonna be alright. Now lets pack your things and head out to the lake." He said. He pecked my lips and went towards my closet. 

"Come here hun, we need to get you out some shorts, tank tops, pjs, and some bathing suits." He said grabbing a suitcase. I went over to my closet and packed clothes.

 "Coltan, you never answered my question from yesterday." I said as I packed my clothes.

"Well, what would you like us to by sweetie?" He said turning me to face him.

"Well, friends don't kiss each other. I mean, I always liked you since we were in seventh grade." I looked him in his eyes and smiled.

"Will you be my girlfriendLex?" I nodded and kissed his lips.

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