Chapter Three: Home

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Joni drove me home after another round of his torture. I lazily unlocked the door and went straight downstairs. I stripped my clothes off and put a over sized shirt on and laid in bed with just that. A few hours of trying to fall asleep, I noticed something wrong. My father hasn't woken up since I've been home. He didn't even come down to the basement to yell at me, maybe he died. The thought made me get out of bed and headed up stairs. I looked in the kitchen, he wasn't there. I look in the dining room, wasn't there. I looked in the living room, he wasn't there. Where could he be? He usually sleeps on the couch in here, because the bed reminded him of mother. So finally, I made my way to his bedroom. I slowly opening his door to find him passed out on the bed.

"Sir?" I whispered walking slowly to his bedside. No answer. I looked at his chest, his breathing was shallow.

"Sir?" I said louder. Still no answer. I was finally next to him and started shaking him. He groaned silently but didn't move. I hurried to the phone, but I noticed empty pill bottles with the caps off. They were empty. I dialed '9-1-1'.

"9-1-1 what is your emergency?"

"My father is breathing weird and he will not answer me. I shook him and yelled his name but he won't answer. Plus there are 3 empty pill bottles opened by his bedside."

"What is your address."

"1503 Oak Burch, 75411"

"Someone is on their way."

"Okay thank you." I said before hanging up. I looked over at father and his breathing started slowing down even more than it was. "Dad?" I said worried. Still no answer.

The paramedics came in and started working on my father. "He's slipping, get him in the truck now!" One of the men said. They hurried to the paramedic truck and took him away. No one would tell me what was going on. I just stared outside in shock as tears rolled down my cheek. I know that he abused me but he is my father, loosing mother was horrid but loosing father as well would leave me alone with no one.

I went downstairs after a few minutes of staring. I went to my dresser and got my phone out. I dialed Coltan's number.

"Hello?" Coltan said half asleep. I must of woken him up. I looked at the clock. '3:58 AM' the clock read.

"Sorry Col, I didn't realise the time." I said sitting on my bed.

"No no, it's fine. What's up?" He said. I could hear him in the background messing with his sheets, probably to sit up.

"My father was just rushed to the hospital." I said as tears started to come to surface.

"You okay? Is he okay?" He said worried.

"My father is on his way to the hospital, I don't know if he will be okay. I woke up and noticed he hadn't came downstairs drunk to yell at me, or have me make him some food. So I went to check on him and found him almost dead." I let out a deep breath. "And Coltan..."

"Yes baby?"

"....Never mind.... I just need you." I wanted to tell him that I really wanted him to come over but he beat me to it.

"Lex, do you want me to come over?" He said.  I waited a second but responded.

"Please." I pleaded.

"I'll there in five minutes." He then hung up.

~Five minutes later.

It was true to what he said, he came five minutes later. At least I can believe what he says. I open the door and there he was. Before I could say anything, he pulled me into a hug.

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