Chapter Nine: Under The Moon Light

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Colten drove to Clear Lake and payed for a camp ground. They said we were lucky to come early for one, because they are almost filled with campers. Like we told the guy, we are just here for a few days to camp out. They guy gives Coltan the five day camping pass and we drive to our camp ground. It was small, but it was enough for us. 

"Wanna help set up the tent?" Coltan said as he put a piece of the tent together. I shook my head and continued to rest on the bench.

"Nah, I wanna go swim!" I said looking up at the sunny, clear, blue sky. He chuckled and I looked at him. He shook his head and went back to work. "Baby, turn the radio on!" He said as he read the directions for the tent. I giggled and went to his truck. I opened the door turn the keys a little bit, so his truck battery wouldn't die, and turned the radio up super loud. Taylor Swift came on. The song 22 blared through the speakers. I walked back over to the bench and watched Noah finally make progress. He raises and eyebrow then looks at me. 

"Really? Taylor Swift?" He says. I shrug my shoulders and sang along. "Yeaaaaaah were happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same tiiiiime. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty twoooooooo." I giggled as Coltan sang the song.

Finally Coltan finished the tent and he said we could go to the beach, even though its one in the morning. I didn't argue and we walked hand in hand to the beach.  We brought my phone for Pandora to play. Ugh, the only thing that sounded good was Sleeping With Sirens.. Oh well. I'll turn it on. Once we reached the beach, I was already in my bikini, I put my towel on the sand and turned on my Pandora. King For A Day-Peirce The Veil(Ft. Kellin Quinn.) I smiled and set my phone down and dived in the water.

"OH MY GOD IT'S SO C-COLD!" I yelped as goose bumps ran through my body.

Coltan laughs and takes his shirt off and jumps in swimming towards me. I squealed and tried running away from him. He grabbed my foot making me fall in the water. I came up for air, gasping dramatically. I turned around to see him laughing hysterically. "Ha ha, real funny." I said before I splashed him.

"Hey, don't get mad. You can't resist me." He said with a devilish smirk on his lips. I smiled and went closer to kiss him. I tried to pull away but he decided he wanted to make out under the moon light. Sounds romantic doesn't it? It was too. After a few minutes I pulled away for air and he put his forehead to mine. 

"I am so happy I can kiss you when ever I want." He said with his eyes closed, still trying to catch his breath.  "You could have then. I would of but I was too afraid." I said looking away from him.

He just smiled and picked me up bridal style and walked up the shore to our towels. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and picked up my stuff and walked up back to our tent.

"Col?" I said lifting my head. We were laying in the tent as I cuddled into his side as my head layed on his chest. He looks down at me. I could tell he was really tired so I kissed his lips to get his attention.

"Yes my love?" He said as I pulled away still looking at him.

"I love you." I choked out. He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"I love you too." I smiled at that and laid my head back down on his chest.

"Go to sleep my dear." I closed my head and said goodnight. He said it back and I drifted off to sleep.

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