Chapter One: Birthday Tragedy

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Lexi's P.O.V


It's been exactly six years since mothers death. Sadly she died on my birthday to lung cancer. It was hard to deal with her death for most of us, but her death affected my father the most. He spent most of his time in his room crying, or drinking his withered heart away. My birthday was today and I turn fourteen, to my father, it was just another day of his misery. Oh how I wish mother was here, she would never let things get the way that they are.

"Lexi Lynn McCoe! Get down here now!" My father screamed, breaking up the thoughts in my head. I walked out of my some-what of a room and walked upstairs. Did I tell you that I lived in the basement? It is so cold at night, and I don't have warm blankets, or a warm bed to curl up in, on a wintry cold night.

I made my way to the living room where my father stood. He was definitely drunk.

"Yes sir?" I said standing as far away as possible from him. His eyes were red and they were staring right at mine.

"Why didn't you hear me the first time?" He said slurring his words. You only called for me once. I said in my head. I remained silent, which I regretted.

He made an unstable walk towards me, making fear run through my veins.

"Answer m-me." He yelled with a stutter. His voice scared me. Please don't hit me.

"I didn't hear you...sir." I said with a whisper as I stared at my feet.

"You what? S-Say that a-again." He brought himself closer to me. I knew what was coming.

"I didn't hear you sir." I regretted answering him, but either way I knew I would get hit.

As expected, he slaps my face. I fell to the floor right away. I whimpered in pain as he kicked my stomach.

"Stop crying you little baby!" He screamed as he walked away wobbling. "Get ready."

What a good birthday I'm having so far.

~Later that day

My 'party' was a few moments away for people to arrive. I wish they weren't coming over, but father insisted. Because of earlier, his apology gift to me was the party, even though it was already planned.

A few moments later some of my family arrived. Aunt Kim came with her son Brendle, and her husband Max. They were both my favorite. Aunt Kim always treated me like I was her daughter. She always felt bad for me because of what father does to me. She does know about the abuse, but she knows if she says something, I will deal with it in the worst way possible. I always liked Brendle, as a boyfriend. Yeah he is my cousin, but he was always nice and sweet. Maybe it's because I never been treated that way by a man before.

Joni, my boyfriend, walks in after Aunt Kim. My heart drops down to my feet in fear.

"Hello my love." He smiled walking up to me. I let out a smirk and started to walk away but he grabbed my wrist with a hard grip. I winced at the pain.

"You don't say hello back? Or even hug me?" He said as he hardened his grip. I let a tear rush down my face. I wipe it away with my free hand.

Hesitating, I gave him a hug. He quickly pulled out of the embrace when a soft voice came to our ears.

"Happy birthday Lex." It was my cousin Tamantha.

"Thank you sweetie." I said looking at her. Joni pulled me away from her before I could start a conversation.

"Let go of me!" I screamed trying to remove his grip, but it didn't work.

Nothing ever seems to work. Ever.

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