Chapter Four: The Painfilled Visit

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A week went by fast, which was good because I get to see my dad today. He hasn't drank any beer because he is still in the hospital. They said that he doesn't have much longer to leave. Sadly I didn't care if he lived or not. I cared about him, a lot, but him wing sober made every visit good. 

"Ready to go see your father?" Kim said as I walked out of my room. 

"No, but I have to see him before he dies."

I know he wouldn't live long, the alcohol affected his liver and was shutting down slowly, and painfully. 

"Let's get going. Come on Brendle! Get in the car!" Kim yelled. 

We got in the car and within minutes we were at the hospital. We walked in and the nurse directed us to his room. 

Every step and regret. I'm scared to see this man. 

"Don't worry sweetpea." Aunt Kim said reassuring me. With that I kept walking toward his room.

"Here we are." The nurse said stopping at my fathers room. I walk in last and stayed close to the door.

"Hello Jim." Kim said to my father. He snorted and flicked his eyes from her to me.

"Why is she here?" Jim said coldly. I felt my anger fade and a wave of sadness.

"She loves you." Kim said coldly as well.

"Well I don't" That right there brought tears to rush down my face. I hate him! I screamed in my mind.

"That is YOUR daughter Jim! Don't treat her like a poor man on the street." 

He looked away from me and to my Aunt. 

"Kim you don't know what she caused! She put me though a lot since her Ambers death!" Jim said raising his voice. 

"You don't know what sh-" She looked over at me then back at Jim.

"You don't know what she went through when she died. When you weren't hitting her, she cried for her mother back, she cried because her boyfriend beats her until shes not noticable and-"


"And he- Wait he what!?" Kim said turning to me.

"He raped me. So did Jim. I wanted to comit suicide ever since mom was diagnosed!" I paused." But then Aunt Kim. took me in and I instantly felt the need to live because I felt love that was never given to me after mom went. As for you Kim, d-don't tell the police about the rape...Please.."

Her eyes widen while she looks at me.

"Hunny, he does not deserve living on this earth for what he did."

"Neither does Jim, but yet he is still here. Just drop it. I'm fine, really." 

Kim just walks out the room leaving me and Timmy with my father.

"Come here Lexi Lynn McCoe. Now!" Jim screams.

I don't listen and walked out the room. Brendle follows behind me. "Hey Lex?" He calls behind me. I turn around and smile. "Bren, I'm fine hun." With that I walked out the hospital. Kim was sitting in the car and I got in with her. Timmy did as well.

"I am soooo sorry Lexi. I thought.. Im so sorry." She says starting the car. I just nod and remained quiet the whole way home. Leaving me to think of so many things. 

I remember the day I met Riley. I got into a fight with my best friend El and I went for a walk to the park. 

* Flashback *

"You are so perfect! Your whole life is perfect! You think your IT and you're not. I'm sick of you and your stupid life. You don't know how to treat a friend." I screamed at El.

"Really? My life is perfect? That's why my mom and dad don't give a shit about me? Tell me that my life is perfect. Tell me how perfect it is, please. What is SO perfect about this hell hole of a life. TELL ME LEXI!" She retorted back. I seriously hate her right now.

"Let's see, you have an expencive car, you're the most popular person in school, you have the perfecet boyfriend that every girl drools over. Your hair is perfect, your body is, your whole life is El." I said counting each thing on my fingertips. I got up off the couch and turned to face her. "El, when you want to not act such a stuck up person, call me. But for now, I'm walking home." Without waiting for her responce, I walked out.

Five minutes later, I made my way to the park. The park is no where near my house, but I didn't feel like going home yet so I came here. I walk over to the swings and sat down, swinging my feet a little. 

"Mind if I sit here?" A manly voice said causing me to look up.  I shook my head and he sat in the swing next to me.

It was silent for a while, until he broke the silence. "I um, I come here when I want to get away from my life and calm down. What brings you here?" He said nervously. He had cute brown eyes, brown hair, and kind of tan skin. He is really hot. Like really hot.

"Huh? Oh Uh, I got into a fight with my friend Jessica, I didn't want to go home just yet. Even though my mom will kill me if she found out I left her house and wondered off by myself at night" I said when he got my out of my thoughts.

He chuckles and stares in my eyes. "Like what you see?" I blush and looked away.

"I'm Joni." He says causing me to look at him again, still with my face blushed. 

"Lexi." I said before looking away awkwardly. 

"Well Lexi, would you like to come over my house and we can hang out?" Did he just as me to hang out with him? I don't even know this kid, but I said I would go over there. Yeah it is risky, but what could happen? I get killed? Oh well.

*Flashback over*

I regret ever going to his house. None of this would of happened. I wouldn't have gotten beat up or raped by him. I sigh as we pulled into the driveway of my new home. I get out of the car and walked into the house and went to sit on the couch in the living room. My heart fell to my feel and I felt tears build up.

Joni was sitting on the lounging chair staring intensly at me with a disgusting smirk on his face. 

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