Chapter Five: Kicked Out

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"Joni, what are you doing here?" Aunt Kim said. "How did you get in?"

Joni sat up still looking at me. "I had the spare key you gave me, and I wanted to hang out with Tim." His face makes me wanna puke. The way he stared at me, made me just wanna shrivel up and die.

"HeyLex." My heart has to be on the ground now. Fear started to creep up on me. I just slowly backed up and ran up the stairs. 

"Get out!" I hear Aunt Kim yell before I slammed my door shut. I threw myself on the bed and cried into my pillow as memories of what he did to me in the basement came into my mind. The door opens slowly and Brendle walks in. He sets me in his lap and I cry. He cooed soothing words in my ear as I drifted off to sleep.

Kim's P.O.V

"Get out!" I scream looking at this monster. He just kept that smirk on his face.

"I am here to spend time with Brend, so if you will excuse me.." 

"No! You are not welcome here! Give me the key I gave you!" I said with my hand out. He placed the key in my hand.

"Listen here, you beating my niece had me close to calling the cops on BOTH of you scum bags, but raping her? No, I've had enough. I am calling the cops." I said walking over to the phone.

"Woah, wait a minute, she said I raped her? That's a lie. Let me explain what happened." I just looked at him waiting for him to continue.

After him telling me exactly what happened, made me think maybe she thought he raped her but he really didn't. I started to believe him more than Lex. I shook the rape story out of my mind and went to my room and laid down. I saw my husband, Max, sleeping next to me. I felt a smile tug on my lips and felt his arms rap around my waist pulling me closer to him. 

"Hello sweetie. Why are you in here so early?" Max whispered in my ear.  Max sleeps during the day because he works on nights.

"Just got done talking to Joni and-"

"Why is he here!?" I felt the bed lighten up and noticed he got out of bed. "Kim, why is he here?!" He said raising his voice.

"Stop yelling at me! I found out he raped Lex, so I confronted him."

His eyes widen with anger and he made his hands into fists.

"Wait a second! He said it was simply a misunderstanding." I said getting out of bed and griped his bundled fists.

"You better hope he is telling the truth, if he is lying, I will leave YOU for not talking to the police, and I WILL take Brend and Lex with me. Better yet I will make you leave. I have kids to take care of, so yes, you will leave if I find out he is lying."

He said walking out of the bedroom door. I could hear him climbing the stairs and most likely to find Joni or talk to Lex. I knew it was a mistake telling him. I went back on the bed and laid down. I know it sounds horrible to believe someone that supposedly raped my niece, but I feel like Joni would never do such disturbing things like that, even though he beats her. I don't know what to think. I just need some sleep. Without thinking anymore, I fell right asleep.


*CRASH* I quickly open my eyes and jump out of bed. I walked out my room and followed all the commotion.  "Stay away from me!" A loud scream came as I got closer. I hear glasses breaking as I made my way into the living room. I blinked my eyes a couple times, trying to adjust to the darkness and noticed two people struggling against each other.

"Joni stop!" The same voice screeched.

"Lex, you shouldn't have told your aunt about what happened! I should kill you!" Then I realize whose voice was whose. I flicked on the lights and my eyes widen. Before I could say anything Joni hits Lexi.

Joni looks at me as Lexi falls to the floor. I was speechless. "How dare you hit her! I am calling to police and Lex will tell them everything!" I shouted stepping closer to Riley.

"Kim, she hit me first. I was just protecting myself." Joni said looking at Lex then back to me.

"You are such a liar! You hit me!" Lex managed to say. Oh I felt so bad for her.

"What is going on here?" Max said running into the room. "Lex! Are you OK?" He knelled down beside her.

"He..he hit me." Lex tried as hard as she could to hold back tears, but failed.

Max got up slowly and walked nearJoni. I ran and grabbed Max's arm.

"Baby, stop. I'll call the cops." I whispered in his ear. He shook me off and punched Joni in his nose. Once I heard the cracking sound, I knew he had broken his nose. 

"I WANT YOU OUT OF HERE! STAY AWAY FROM HER! YOU COME BACK AND I WILL SHOOT YOU AND YOU WILL REGRET THE DAY YOU STEPPED FOOT ON THIS EARTH! YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" Maxs voice scared me. He even made me jump. Joni groaned and Max picked him up by his shirt and dragged him outside. "Better get out of here before the cops show up." Joni got up and walked away cursing under his breath.

"What is wrong with you Max!" I screamed shutting the door.

"Whats wrong with me? I'm not the one who believed he didn't rape her!" I gasped.

"You didn't b-believe me?" Lex said getting off the floor. 

"Hunny I-" I started but was rudely interrupted.

"Answer the damn question Kim!" Max yelled.

"I DID AT FIRST! It's just that... Joni said that you...I'm sorry okay!" I yelled back.

Lex ran to her room and slammed the door.

"Wow Kim.. I want you GONE tomorrow. You disgust me. I love Lex! She does not deserve the torture she went through. Goodbye Kim." Jeff said walking towards our room.

"Wait Max, please-" I say being interrupted.

"Goodbye." With that he walked away leaving me sad and alone.

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