Chapter 7

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It had been a week since we were almost killed by the towns' folk. Ethan's arm was better. We had finally made it to King James' town. We were staying at another inn. Ethan and I were once again staying in the same room. We were only a few miles from the castle. We can strike at any moment that we want. It was the first time we were able to take a bath since the river bed. So I jumped at the chance to bathe. I was in the open air springs. I was sitting in the water with my eyes closed relaxing when, "Hey Conan. If I asked to join you would that be weird? I just want to go to bed soon so we can plan for tomorrow."

"Oh um su-sure it wouldn't be too weird"

He walked over to the water and took his towel off and got in next to me. The water swayed and the bubbles started to pop, "Can believe we are this far?"

"N-no not at all. I-It's a real accomplishment"

"Are you okay? You're really red in the face. Do you have a fever?" he reached out and put the back of his hand on my forehead. He was real close. I could see all his muscles from his waist up.

"No I-I-I'm fine I am just warm, been in the bath to long. I'll take my leave" I got to grab my towel but he grabbed my hands.

"Must must you go?"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"I-It's just that I like talking to you. This may be a weird place to talk but you're a great, amazing to talk to so I just wanted to talk for a little bit longer."

"Ethan I-I can't. I am really tried and I need to get some sleep." I grab my towel and wrapped it around myself still in the water then I stand up. My towel was soaked but I got out of the water and walked up to the room anyway.

I was sitting in the bed in my clothes. I was thinking really hard about what had just happened. Then I decided to act.

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