Chapter 3 He's still here with you, with his daughter or son

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Chapter 3 He’s still here with you, with his daughter or son

All the rest of Saturday and Sunday too I stayed in bed not feeling good.  Greta told me she found out from work there is a bug going around. 

It’s Monday morning and I’m all the way ready eating breakfast before school, feeling so much better from the past few days.  I hate being sick.  But I guess that’s part of life.  

“Can I speak to you?” Greta questions me walking in the room with her work clothes on.  She sits at the table where she’s directly in front of me.  

“Yeah?”  I ask.

“Do you remember Saturday when we were eating breakfast and before you got sick you told me you wouldn’t love anybody else but Damon?” 

I look off my bowl and on her.  “Yea, I remember” 

“Before you got sick I wanted to tell you something.  I know you still love Damon even though he’s not on this world with you, but that also doesn’t mean you can’t love again.  I know this probably sounds weird coming from the mother that lost her son, but it is what it is.  And there is nothing we can do, doesn’t matter how hard we try, it still won’t change.  

“I know the cuts of losing Damon are still fresh and soar, and the love for him is still very strong.  But I bet later in your life if that may be a year, less than a year, or longer than a year, you will find another guy you will fall for, and I bet Damon would want you happy, so go for it.  I want to tell you I give you permission to like whoever you want to like; if that may be Reese, or any other guy.  Just remember though that it’s not just you anymore, you have this baby too.  Okay?” 

It takes me a minute to reply.  Is Greta telling me she’s giving me permission to date?  Why would she be doing this?  I mean, Damon is the only guy for me, so why does she think otherwise?

“O-okay . . .” I studded still off guard.  

“I know you’re probably questioning why I’m telling you this.  I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to waste the rest of your life upset you don’t have Damon.  If you waste your time thinking on Damon, you will miss out on a lot of things.  And you don’t need that, especially with this little baby on the way.  And that’s another thing.  You didn’t fully loose Damon.  He’s still here with you, with his daughter or son.”  She finishes giving a sympathetic look. 

“What made you decide that you think I need to date?” 

“I didn’t tell you needed to date, I just told you if you want to date, I give you permission to date.  The answer to your question is because what would Damon want you to do?  Stay miserable missing him, or go off and date Reese or any other guy?”

“I get your point” I tell her not wanting to admit it.  “I just can’t quite grasp it; I would have never guessed you telling me this before.” 

“I know, I know; if I was in your shoes I probably wouldn’t think I would be telling you this too, but I am telling you.  You need to be happy, and if all you think about is Damon and how you miss him, I doubt that’s being happy.”                                                                                        

I give her a look telling her I understand.  She gives me a sad look like she’s sorry for all the bad things that has occurred in my life and then pats her hand over mine.  

 “When you’re done eating then we can go.”  Greta tells me getting up. 

I nod taking in another bite of my cereal.

Preface-Sequal too The Last Kiss Goodbye-Where stories live. Discover now