Chapter 10 I am a somebody. I am Important. And I am needed...

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Chapter 10 I am a somebody.  I am important.  And I am needed…


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I jerk up out of sleep to tune into a room that doesn’t look familiar at all.  All of a sudden everything comes to me at ones.  My head is throbbing with one of the biggest headaches I think I have ever encountered before.  My vision keeps going in and out but when it comes in focus I see I am in a small room with one bed that I am lying in and a couch against the wall, a window behind the couch and the door to my left leads to a small bathroom. And I see that Reese is fast asleep on the couch.  The room is a light pinkish color at that too.  Reminds me of a time when I was little and I was sick and had just taken that pink bubble gum medicine and less that ten minutes later I saw it ones again scattered all around me. 

I start to swarm around to more to notice that my left wrist is highly bandaged up and I have an IV up my arm and that is what is causing the loud beeping noise.  That’s when I truly start to panic.  What the heck is going on!?

 I start to unwrap the bandage but the second I get close to it sends a sharp pain and so I stop.  I start to feel lightheaded and everything goes back out of focus.  “Reese?”  I whimper with a high out of whack voice.

I see Reese jerk up.  “What!?”  He asks showing that he was in a deep sleep and doesn’t know what the heck is going on. 

“It’s Jaylin.” I say like a little kid scared because she just got yelled at. 

He gets up from the couch and comes straight towards me.  He places his hand over my weak hand closest to him.  “I’m here.”  He tells me. 

 “What happened?  Where am I?  Why am I here?”  I ask like I am five years all over again so lost into what the true world is just trying to figure it out and fit in.  

“We are in the hospital.  You hurt yourself . . . bad. . . I thought you. . . I thought we had lost you. . .” I see tears fall from Reese’s eyes.  I have never seen Reese cry before.  Reese doesn’t cry.  Reese is strong . . . until now.  

“What do you mean?”  I ask getting more a headache the more and longer I try to think to remember to whatever he is talking about.

He points to my wriest. “We were at the hospital; you, Greta and I.  You told us we had to go to check on the baby. . .” he lightly places his hand on my becoming big stomach.  “The hospital told you some bad news . . . so you ran home and Greta and I chased after you . . . but we were too late . . . you nearly killed yourself and the baby by cutting yourself. 

It takes me a second to comprehend what he is telling me.  “What?” I question in a daze.  I almost just committed suicide?  And the baby . . . he’s gone? . . .

I start to feel like I am about to pass right back out into nothing.  This is so much to take in all at ones.  I tighten Reese’s hand and look into his eyes with pity.  I can read in his eyes that he’s scared . . . he’s worried . . . and he cares. 

He doesn’t answer my question into trying to get this through my head.  He just feeds me with more information.  “When Greta and I arrived at the house and found you and was trying to save you; we saw that on your phone you had a missed call . . . from the hospital.” 

“What did they say?” I hold my breath.

“I will call them in here and tell you. . . okay?”

I don’t answer.                                                                                   

He presses the button on the control that is in the bed beside me.  A female’s voice comes on the other line.  “Yes?  This is Daizy, how may I help you?”

“She’s up.  She’s aware.  You can bring the doctor in her to tell her.”  

“Okay he will be in as soon as he can,” 

I study Reese scared.  I don’t know what is going on.  I’m nervous.  I’m so nervous I am having issues breathing on a steady pace.  I’m feared that I am going to start to hyper ventilate before long. 

Before long the doctor comes in.  He stands right in front of me sitting in the bed. 

“Is this true?  Have I lost my baby?”  Tears start to swim in my eyes. 

 “That is what we had to talk to you about.  The test came back saying that yes you have lost the baby, but we have made a mistake.  We got your file and information mixed with a different lady.  A lady that is trying to conceive and hasn’t yet.  Somehow we read you her information and your information to her.  She took the same test to see if she was pregnant.  That’s how it took us longer to figure this out.  Thank goodness one of our employees’s caught this faster than it could have ended.  Congratulations Jaylin.  You are going to have a baby.”

I look at Reese.  I tighten his hand that I am still holding.  More tears travel down my face.  Not sad tears.  Happy tears.  I can’t lose my little baby.  This baby of mine is my world.

Reese leans down and hugs me the best way he can with me laying in the bed.  I lean my head on him and the tears just explode down my face.

I feel relief.  I feel the slightest as though, I am a somebody.  I am important.  And I am needed…    

Preface-Sequal too The Last Kiss Goodbye-Where stories live. Discover now