Chapter 9 I-I cant lose her

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Chapter 9 I-I cant lose her

Dark.  Cold.  Wet.  Nothing.  How are people able to exactly explain “nothing”?  No feeling.  No thought. You have no feeling or anything. 

I just question is where I am suppose to be?  Is this where Damon is?  Who exactly knows what happens after you die?  Some people believe in after life to where you either go to Heaven or Hell, others believe of just an “after life”; but what exactly is suppose to happen after you pass away? 

My mind travels to question after question and I just stay numb having no answer to them.  I just stay there only in thought.  I have no feeling.  I feel as though I don’t even have a body.

As I think and ponder in question I keep coming back to Damon.  Where is Damon?  I need him.  I just want to be with and tell him I love him. 

All of a sudden my vision comes in play.  I look and see myself in confusion.  Then I start to see Greta and Reese.  I see their mouths moving but I hear no sound coming out of their mouths.  

It feels like I am right above my body.  No feeling.  No sound; only thought and vision.

I see blood; a tremendous amount of blood.  I just watch in horror.  My body looks so weak and gone.  I view that I look so pale… I still see Greta and Reese talking.  I wish I could hear them.  I need to know what’s being said!  What in the heck is going on!? 

                                                                           * * * *


I don’t want to talk to Greta.  I can’t talk to Greta.  My mind is only one on track right now, Jaylin and the baby.  My knee keeps tapping on the floor.  I try to stop it but know there is no point to it.  I tap my foot on the floor when I am either nervous or scared something bad is going to happen and part of my questions if something is wrong. 

Jaylin loves her baby.  I know it.  She doesn’t have to say anything I just know.  The look she reads in her eyes says it all.  The way she acts and certain things she does I know is because of her baby.  If she looses her baby . . . I don’t know how she I going to react.

I look up and see that Jaylin is just walking in the waiting room door.  I bulk out of my chair and dash to her.  I see Greta does the same.  “What happened!?”  Greta and I both question.

I see she doesn’t want to meet contact with us; especially me.  I immediately know something isn’t good.

“Let’s just go home, okay?”  I can barely hear her ask.

I wait until Jaylin meets my eyes and when they do I can read something in her eyes.  Something very bad happened… “Jaylin?” I ask with my voice breaking without me even realizing it till the after math.  

Greta walks up a little closer to Jaylin and places her hand on Jaylins shoulder.  I look at Gretas face and see tears forming in her eyes.  I see she is just about to say something right when Jaylin jerks her hand away.  Greta gets look like her thought on what to say has just changed course.  “Jaylin?”  She questions.  I can read so much worry in her voice I want to just cry for her.                                                                                                                                                                                              The next thing I know is that Jaylin in flying out of the room.  I try to reach for her to pull her back but I was just a few inches off.  “Jaylin!” I call out.  I take a quick glance at Greta and see tears falling down her face.

Preface-Sequal too The Last Kiss Goodbye-Where stories live. Discover now