Chapter 7 I have to be the writer to his story

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Chapter 7   I have to be the writer to his story

I swarm around trying to figure out where I may be.  I feel as though I am floating and not going anywhere in particular.  I scream on the top of my lungs.  “Damon!”  I shout as loud as possible.  

I search the area I am swarming in the looks white and no end of to where this is.  It’s like being in the sky.  No walls in the way to stop you.  Everything’s open and so much open space.  I view everywhere searching for Damon.  Maybe I’m within him once again.  Maybe I fell just hard enough to where I am with him again. 

“Damon!” I scream again.  I don’t see anybody, or anything but pure white.  Where am I?  I keep wondering and wanting to know the answer too.  I picture myself being lifted off my feet and look right into the eyes of the guy I fell in love with, and the guy I miss so terribly!  I picture melting right into his eyes and the hole in my heart refill.  I can see myself wrapping my  arms around him as tight as I possibly could and softly mashing my lips to his and receiving the feeling I miss so much of getting when him and I kissed.                                                                                                         

“Damon!  Baby!  I’m here!  Come to me!”  I cry extending my arms above my head, trying to be as seen as possible.  Tears travel down my face.  I fall to my knees on what feels to be cotton.  I cover my face.  “I miss you so much Damon!” I quietly cry. 

All of a sudden I faintly hear my name.  “Jaylin, Jaylin, Jaylin!”  The voice sounds familiar but I can’t register who it is speaking to me. 

“Damon?”  I hear myself ask. 

“No . . .” I hear in scared voice.  

I start to feel a massive headache.  My head starts aching to a pain I don’t believe I have ever experienced before.  Without thinking, I feel my hand behind my head which only makes it worse.  “Ouch” I say in a weak voice.

I try to open my eyes but every time I try the headache advances, so I keep my eyes shut.  Where am I?  Who are you? What happened?  Why does my head hurt?  Where was I?  Why didn’t Damon come and save me?  All these questions start to overwhelm me, and I try to ask them, but I somehow can’t form the words.

“Everything will be just fine.”  This voice keeps saying to me.  “Take this, it may help.” I hear the voice say.  Wever this is raises me up n carefully place something on my tong.  I then feel something against my lips.  “Swallow this.” I do as I’m told. 

The next thing I feel something being placed on the back of my head where it hurts.  “This. Hurts” I am managed it say spacing out the sentence.

“I’m sorry Jaylin but this needs to be here to help you, okay?” The voice softly tells me as if I’m a child.  I tighten my eyes and bite my tough to try to not think about the pain. 

Damon.  I start thinking more into Damon.  When I think about Damon and remember all the memories him and I shared and think of happiness . . . I think of all the joy he gave me.  He gave me a purpose.  He gave me life.  He may not still be here but he is still here in my heart and that is good enough for me.  I am not just living for myself now; I am living for two people.  I am living on the life that Damon is not able to encounter anymore.  I have to keep my head high.  I have to be the writer to his story on… keep his book going . . . and then I have to keep going for the baby.  Our little baby . . . this little infant that is snuggled in my stomach right now has such a journey head of her; I have to be the one to guide her in the right direction.  She won’t know where to go without me.  I have to be the one to stay here to let her have a story to write . . . 

The next thing I know after thinking everything through I am knocked out in sleep.

                                                                        * * * * * 

“Wake up” I hear. 

“Hmm?”  I question in confusion.  I force my eyes open and it takes then a second to adjust everything in clear vision.  “Where am I?” I quiz looking around confused.

I start to try to get up but the second I stand up I crash right back on the couch where apparently I was laying; all of a sudden my head starts hurting me so bad I wince in pain.  “Take this” Greta hands me a pack of ice and I place it on my head.  It helps for a second and then it starts hurting more.  I start to remove it from my head when Greta says, “Don’t.  You need that on your head.” I slowly place it back on my head dealing with the pain. 

“Wh-What happened?” I studded having a hard time speaking for some reason.

I all of a sudden hear a total different voice.  I look over, Reese is sitting in the chair in the kitchen.  His head is down.  His voice sounds scratchy.  He couldn’t have been crying could he?  He continues on, “you and I came home from school.  Everything was going perfect.  We were having a splendid time hanging out.  We weren’t in the house for even five minutes and then you just . . . you fell.  You fell on your back, which is good you didn’t fall on your stomach because if you did… you could have lost the baby…” he goes silent.  

I look around freaking out.  I fell?  I fainted?  Why did I faint?  It’s silent; too silent.  I start to break out in a sweat.  It doesn’t need to be silent.  It doesn’t need to be this silent.  I get up and fall to my knees.  I grimace in pain but bite my tough and suck it up.  I crawl on the floor and try to get myself up.

“Jaylin!” Greta and Reese both squeal in worry.

“The baby!”  I whine out of breath.  

Reese is right beside me in the fall the next thing I know and Greta is right over beside me. 

“The baby, I fell.  I need to check on him!  He’s got to be okay!  He has to be okay!”  I repeat and burst into tears. 

I glance over and see Reese and Greta exchange glances. 

“The doctors!  I need to go to the doctor to see if he’s okay!  He has to be okay!”  I cry between tears. 

 My vision blurs but I make out Greta and Reese giving another look to each other they both understand without words.  The next thing I know Greta is gone and Reese is picking me up off the floor and hopefully is taking me to the doctors. . .    

Preface-Sequal too The Last Kiss Goodbye-Where stories live. Discover now