Chapter 6 All of a sudden the sensation starts to feel so . . . wrong

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Chapter 6   All of a sudden the sensation starts to feel so . . . wrong

The next day I wake up at an actually decent time, seven fourteen, better than when I normally wake up, I think.  I roll out of bed having to use effort to pull my weight up.  I go to the kitchen and put a piece of bread in the toaster and force myself to eat something. 

“Hey, today will be your last day of public school, okay?  I got it scheduled for your homeschooled teacher to come here starting tomorrow.  I have already called the school and told them you are transferring into being homeschooled and so your teachers will know.  Okay?” Greta finishes in question walking in the kitchen in her work clothes putting an earring in her ear.

“Okay” I tell her.  The first thing that comes to mind is Reese.  This has been such a quick shift on being in school and now going to be placed out of school to be homeschooled and I haven’t even brought it up to Reese yet. . .  

The toast pops up from the toast which makes me jump and get centered back into where I am and out of my thoughts.  I jelly the toast and take a bit.  After I swallow my stomach fills like it is so empty but doesn’t want to accept the toast but I force myself to finish it.  

I start working on getting ready for my last day of school and start to notice I’m having a hard time getting my jeans buttoned.  Finally after a long attempt, I get my jeans buttoned.  I get on a tight cute shirt and then view myself in the mirror.  I view from the time and see the baby bump is highly noticeable the choice of the outfit I have chosen. 

I take of the shirt and put on a looser shirt and then view myself in the mirror and see it isn’t that noticeable.  It just looks like I’ve gained weight.  

I walk out of Damon’s bedroom and go get my backpack and go meet Greta in the car.  “Did you sleep well?” Greta questions me after I get buckled in the car.   

“Compared to normal, yes” I answer looking out the window feeling hollow.  

“That’s good.”  She tells me still concentrated on the road.  

She pulls up to the school parking lot and lets me out.  “Have a good day at school.  I wish you the best of last public school day.  I love you.”  Greta tells me. 

At first I’m taken back.  Did she just say she loved me?  Without hesitation I say, “I love you too Greta.”  And I shut the door and walk right into the front school doors. 

I approach my locker with Reese leaning on it waiting on me.  I see him take a quick glance at my stomach before meeting my eyes, but he doesn’t say a word about it.  “Good Morning!” He tells me.

“Good Morning.” I tell him back sounding drowsy.

“Everything okay?” he asks me and I can see the concern in his eyes.  

“Yeah, just tired, and I need to tell you something . . .” I hesitate trailing off.                                                                                                                                                                                    “What is it?”

I look right into his eyes “today’s my last day of school.  I’m going to be placed in home school to maybe make it easier on me in the future.” I tell him giving him a look hoping he understands what I’m trying to say without saying it.  

It takes him a moment to give an answer back.  “So I won’t get to see you anymore?”  He finally questions.  I can hear the hurt in his voice.

Preface-Sequal too The Last Kiss Goodbye-Where stories live. Discover now