[1] reminesce

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every little thing
is reminescent of
our lives before.
every action pulls me back
down the memory lane,
into a world of
laughter and smiles -
when we were so young,
so innocent,
so naïve.

and everything was still beautiful
and good.

every little thing
is reminescent of
the person you once were,
and the person i once was.
i wonder now if
we could go back
and change that year
i left -
would you really choose that?
would i really choose that?

everything is just so

you can't hide from reality
tomorrow -
by the end of today, really -
we'll be back.
and away, and apart.

the man with the brown hair
said to me:
"i wish you well."
i wish you well, too.

i'll see you soon,
maybe -
or next year,
or the one after that.

every little thing
is reminescent of
the years past.

but we're looking ahead, now
to the future.

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