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it seems so ridiculous,


when we try to analyze

a story

a painting

or a piece

of music.

how can anyone

understand the deep recesses

of an artist's mind?

and yet i suppose

that's the best we can do

to try to come close

to the original beauty

that was hidden away like

a jewelled ring, dropped in the sea

for billions of years.

i suppose

that's the best we can do

to try to seek that


so that we, too,

can feel the

strange swirling lightning bolt

that had struck

that day when

somebody had sat down

and created.

but when we create,

there are a billion

thoughts in our mind,

more than stars in the sky;

and as we create,

we can touch and feel and breathe in

only so few of them,

and in return we can

breathe out

even fewer of them.

it's only the dust

on the surface that you've seen,

that you've been given

from us.

and even ourselves -

we do not know,

and we have not touched -

nor seen, nor heard, nor felt -

the infinites that lie

in wait

in the back of our minds,


dream softly in our hearts.

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