[48] a café story

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the day i first saw you,

you didn't even look up:
you were too busy picking up the pieces
he'd left behind.

i watched as you held
a shard of fragile glass in
your hand,
and studied yourself
in its reflection.
for just an instant i caught a glimpse
of the dull and lifeless gray
of your eyes.
but i was

the next day i returned
just to see you again.
as i peeked at you from time to time,
my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts
and only one held true:
that i had to reach out
and pull you away
from your own swirling mass of
but you wouldn't
budge; you didn't see me, or didn't
want to.

so i left, but i promised you
that i would be back.
don't pretend i didn't,
you know i did.
and you know i've been keeping that promise ever since.

the third day, though
i found you in the middle of 
a busy crowd.
but i'd never seen anyone look
more alone. you raised your head,
shaking your long hair
out of your eyes; and finally,
our gazes met.
grey on blue.
i mumbled a greeting and you
gave me
a smile.

it was just the
merest hint,
merest shadow, barely,
of a smile.
but that was enough for me to fall. 

and every day after that
i've been coming back,
just to try to make you smile
for real - at me.
and one day you laughed,
and even though it was
at me instead of
with me,
because i'd made a complete
fool of myself,
i didn't care.
i really didn't. 

you were so happy,
your eyes were like molten silver.
you looked me dead-on
and you were

i was so in love...

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