Chapter 1

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Hey I'm Rose, I'm 18 and on the second half of my freshman year in college. Or for the people in the UK, University. I am a lesbian and I live in my own apartment. No, I wasn't kicked out, I just like living on my own. My family is actually really supportive of me. There really isn't anything special about me. I have short red hair, blue eyes, nerd glasses, and I have an athletic body from playing basketball.

It was the start of the second semester. My alarm went off at 7:30 am. I did a normal morning routine most people do and then I headed off to my university. I have two classes today. Sociology and an independent course that will go towards my degree. I go into the lecture hall and sit in the front row. I get everything in order, then I hear an angel speak, "good morning class."

"Hello, I am your professor for sociology 214. My name is Alaska Day and you can refer to me anyway you please. I am 26 years old and I have a 5 year old daughter named Ava. Please go around and say your name and a fact about you."

She starts in the back corner. I ignore everything until it is my turn. I stand up and say, "I am Rose and I'm a lesbian."  I wink at a girl sitting next to me while sitting down. The girl giggled. I looked up at Alaska to see her looking at me with a frown. I frown at that wondering what she is thinking.

Class goes on until she dismisses us. I look down at my schedule to see that I'll be working with a professor in their office. I go to office 216 and knock on the door. No one answers so I decide to wait to see if they had a class. And that she did.

"Can I help you Rose?" Alaska questions.

"Uh yeah I am suppose to help you for my independent course volunteer study."

"Oh yes, now I remember, I was to get a student." She frowns at me again while looking me up and down.

She walks into her office leaving the door open, which I take as an invitation. She points to a seat across from her desk so I sit down. "You'll be doing grading and other things I ask of you. You do not question what I tell you to do and you do not change a person's grade from bribery. Is this understood?" Alaska practically sneers. "Yes ma'am." I look down at her desk to see a picture of her and a little girl. "Is that your daughter?" "Yes." "She's gorgeous just like her mother." I say and flash her a smirk.

She starts stuttering and blushing. "You can not say things like that," she reprimanded.

"Why's that?" I question.

"Because I am your instructor."

"Is that your only reason?" I say while getting up and walking over to her side of the desk. I bend down and whisper in her ear, "because if it is then good luck keeping me away." I plant a kiss to her neck and she puts her hands on my shoulders trying to push me away. I don't budge but instead move my head so I am face to face with her. I kiss the corner of her mouth. She closes her eyes and stops pushing on me, but I stand up and start walking to the door. "I'll see you on Wednesday Ms. Alaska Day." I then proceeded to open the door and walk out, with her staring at me like a deer caught in head lights.

Tell me what you think yeah? Vote please I wanna know if this worth writing. Thanks all

Also don't be afraid to point out grammar mistakes and such.

You Will Be Loved. (Lesbian Story) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now