Chapter 13

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It's been a few months, the twins are due at any moment. I've been stressed since the run in with Lilith. These are my babies, they can't take them from me. Nothing seems to be going right. Alaska has been on edge with work and she barely talks to me when she comes home, Ava has been pouting and crying all the time. She hates kindergarten and she doesn't like to feel the babies kick anymore.

I know Ava is starting to get jealous. With the babies getting closer I think she feels that she'll get less attention, which isn't true. Ava has become my daughter. It's now November, so they have been in my life for so many months I've lost count. Ava will never have to worry about me not being around even if Alaska and I break up.

It was a Saturday night and Alaska came home from being out with friends drinking. I had put Ava to sleep two hours earlier. Alaska stumbled into the living room where I was sitting. She sat down next to me and started to suck on my neck. At first, I moaned it's been awhile since Alaska has been this physical with me. After a few minutes, I push Alaska away.

Alaska immediately got up and started pacing, "you never want me to touch you anymore."

I looked at her and became pissed, "What? Its you who never wants to be intimate. You're always so angry and your barely ever home on the weekends. Did you know your daughter cries in my arms when I put her to sleep? She misses her mom."

Alaska stares at me and tears start to fall from her eyes. "This is my last semester as a professor at the college."

I slowly get up and walk over and hug her. "Why? What happened?"

"They found out you and I kissed before you had dropped out of school. Someone told them of how weird the coincidence was that we just got together right after. So they said because of my contract they are terminating my tenure."

I felt terrible. This is all my fault. I'm the one who perused her not the other way around, but she is the one taking the fall for it. "I'm so sorry Alaska, I never should have kissed you."

Alaska backed out of the hug and grabbed the sides of my face. "It's not your fault. I have gained a beautiful girlfriend and Ava gained another mother. You and I have created something amazing."

I started crying and smiling. I kissed Alaska firmly on the lips happy that we're okay.

"Okay, Rose I love you, but I need to go to bed."

I laughed and walked with Alaska to our room and we went to bed.

It was about 6:30 when I woke up with a puddle in between my legs. At first I thought I peed myself.  Then I realized my water broke. I shook Alaska awake telling her to grab the bags. She scrambled around freaking out. I laughed and walked to Ava's room.

"Ava sweetie wake up the babies are coming."

Ava jumped up and squealed. We drove to the hospital and the nurses put me in a room. I had Alaska call my parents who came while my contractions were two minutes apart. They took Ava to the waiting room while Alaska stayed with me.

I was in labor for 8 hours with the twins. I had two girls and named them Sutton and Elliot.

You Will Be Loved. (Lesbian Story) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now