Chapter 15

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We've had the twins home for a week. Alaska and I have barely had any sleep. There is no alternating who's getting the babies because once one wakes up the both wake up. Alaska and I decided to breastfeed the twins so usually I'm breastfeeding one of the girls while Alaska is bottle feeding the other with milk I have pumped out.

Ava is loving the whole big sister thing, but she doesn't understand why her mothers have been so grouchy with eachother. Her room is the farthest away from the twins' room.

Alaska and I keep fighting at night. I know it is because we are both exhausted, but we still just go after eachother. We try to keep it away from the girls as much as we can.

It's Friday night 9 days after we brought the babies home.

"Rose would you help with Ava just a little bit?"

"What? I've made sure I hang out with her all day. I am with all three of them while you work. I have dinner ready when you are home. I get that you are exhausted when you come home, but so am I. Ava wants to see you, that's why she hangs on you when you get home."

"Well could you keep her away while I try to nap?"

"Are you serious? What has gotten into you? She is your daughter."

"Yeah, one I never asked for. Along with your two kids."

I stop and stare at her. This isn't Alaska. I don't understand why she is acting this way. I turn my head away and see Ava crying by the doorway. Alaska looks over and immediately her face softens.

"Ava, mommy is sorry, I didn't mean it. Mommy has just had a bad day." Alaska tries to walk over to Ava, but Ava runs over to me.

I look at Alaska, who is looking at me right back with a glare. She grabs her coat and leaves. I don't know where she went, but at the moment I do not care.

I pick Ava up, while she is crying, and bring her to her room. "Mommy loves you I promise, Little One."

She shakes her head, no, and continues to cry. I know I won't be able to calm her down, so I just rock her to sleep.

Four hours pass and Alaska walks into our room obviously drunk. She crawls on the bed then on top of me. She starts kissing my neck. I push her off and stand up.

"Fuck you, Rose. I wanna have sex. We haven't had it at all aince being together. And we've been together for almost a year."

"I am not having sex with like this Alaska. Plus I just had the twins."

"Why is it always about the kids with you?!?"

"Because we are mothers! That's what happens when you have children."

I look at her and see something pink on her collar. I look closer and can tell it is lipstick.

"Did you kiss someone while you were out drinking?"

Alaska just looks at me with a blank face. "So what? It is not like I'm getting anything from you." She hiccups in the middle of saying that.

"Get out."


"Get out of my house!"

Alaska actually looks like she is sobering up after I yelled that.

"No, baby please. I am sorry. I love you and I love our kids."

"Just leave Alaska. And don't wake the kids up on your way. Go explore what you need to, because obviously there is something wrong here. I will keep Ava and you go be the 20 year old you missed out on being. We are done until you figure your shit out."

Alaska starts to cry and falls to her knees. "Please Rose, I am sorry. I love you please don't do this."

"I'll tell you one more time. Get out of my house."

Alaska gets up and angrily wipes her tears away. "Fuck you, Rose." She storms out of the house and slams the door. I hold my breathe hoping none of the kids start crying. After a few seconds I fall to my bed and cry. I hear the door open and someone crawl on my bed. Ava lays her head on my chest and hugs me. We fell asleep holding eachother.

You Will Be Loved. (Lesbian Story) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now