Chapter 2

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Three weeks have gone by with Alaska giving me orders but nothing else. She keeps everything professional and it's starting to piss me off. But what can I do? I try to give her sultry eyes but she'll just glare at me.

It's a Friday in February. I am in her office for my independent volunteer "class." As I'm sitting there with her across from me, a little girl comes running in. She is the most gorgeous little one I've ever seen. She really looks like her mother.

Ava runs up to her mom and jumps on her. Alaska completely transforms into a sweet caring person.

"What are you doing here baby?" Alaska questions her daughter.

"I wanted to surprise you so Nana brought me here Mommy!"

Alaska smiles lovingly at her daughter. Ava then turns to me and asks, "who are you?"

"I'm Rose, your Mommy is my teacher, Little One."

Ava jumps off her mom and scurries over to me. "Up." She holds her arms up for me.

"Ava, no." Alaska scolds her daughter. I smirk at Alaska and look down at Ava. I pick her up and sit her on my lap.

Alaska glares at me for going against her words. Ava grins at me. "Yay!" She giggles.

"What do you like Little One?"

"I like dollies and cars and chicken and Mommy and Nana and, and a LOT OF STUFF!" She started breathing heavily from her excitement on all the things she likes.

I look up at Alaska to see her smiling sweetly at her daughter. She sees me looking at her and keeps her smile on her face.

"Hey Little one, ask your mom if you and her can come to my house for dinner." Ava looks at me excited and jumps off of me.

She runs to my teacher and whispers in her ear. I smile broadly knowing she will not be able to say no to her excited daughter. So after another hour at the university Alaska follows me to my car, while im carrying Ava. I drive them to my apartment.

We get in and I ask Ava what she wants for dinner. In reply she said "pancakes." Her mother said absolutely not even though I was going to agree. (I think she knew that.) So I decided on some baked chicken and mac n' cheese.

At dinner Ava made a mess while telling us about her day at kindergarten. After dinner I took them to my livingroom to watch a movie, which Ava feel asleep during.

"I guess we'll be going." I stopped Alaska before she could pick up Ava. "Why dont you guys stay. I have a second bedroom y'all could sleep in. It's late, I dont want you driving like this in the middle of winter." She hesitated before agreeing. I picked up Ava before Alaska could and took her to my guest room. I went to my room and grabbed a shirt of mine and put it on Ava.

After I was done I walked out to Alaska. I sat next next to her and said, "your daughter is amazing." Alaska beemed and said "yeah."

"Where's her father?"

Alaska paused and started to tear up. "I was raped when I was 20, at a college party."

I scooted closer to Alaska and hugged her tight. "Shh, it's ok I'm here." Alaska buried her face in my neck and cried. After 20 minutes she finally calmed down and looked at my shirt.

"I am so sorry."

"Hey, it's ok, it's just a shirt it can be washed. I am sorry for asking that. "

She sniffled, " it's ok, I needed to cry about it. I haven't cried about it ever."

"You're gorgeous, you know that?"

She blushed and shook her head. "You're to smooth with words Rose."

"I am not trying to be smooth, I am being honest. "

I looked at her in the eyes and she stared back at me. I leaned in and so did she. Our lips finally met and let me tell you, best damn kiss I have ever had. Our lips moved in sync. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance and she allowed me access. Our tongues fought for dominance, but ultimately, I won. After some time we broke away breathing heavily.

"Sleep with me?" Her eyes widened when I said that and after a second so did mine.

"N-no! I mean sleep in my room with me. I dont mean sexually, I promise! " I started to blush.

She giggled and agreed. We got up and I grabbed her hand. We walked to my room. I gave her some pj's to change into while I grabbed my own. I went to my bathroom to change. When I came back she was already in my bed. I walked over turning the light off. I laid down and pulled her onto my chest to cuddle. We fell asleep like that.

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Again don't be afraid to tell me my grammatical errors or and other type of errors you may see.

You Will Be Loved. (Lesbian Story) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now