New Story?

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I have started writing a new story, but I don't know if it is good so I figured I put a little snip-it in here. If you think I should write this then please comment of vote on this. If this does not seem like something anyone will read then I'd rather just write it for myself and do nothing with it. Even if no one does like my little snip-it I may publish it in the future with the entire thing done but that may not be for months, so if people do like it I would publish what I have so far and continue to upload. Anyways I will stop rambling. 

"The college I go to is not a very big one. Maybe 15,000 students, but that is pushing it. It is not uncommon for me to see people that I do not know multiple times. Everyone who goes there has their lives' intertwining somehow. My best friends are the people I lived with freshman year, so if it wasn't for that I do not think we ever would have met. Some of the other friends I have are people who have the same major as I do. Which I guess means I should probably tell you a bit about who I am seeing as I haven't yet. I am a 22-year-old Criminal Justice major. I have two months left before I graduate and go onto Law School at the University of Michigan. This is all stuff you can find on my social media though.

I grew up with my aunt, she's my mother's sister. My mother and father died when I was one to a war many do not even remember. People were made to forget what is out there in the world, that it is not all black and white, that the only reason bad people are bad is because of human nature. It is not always about being human though. The stories you here as a child, the one's that are used to scare you, they are not all tales. Stories, fairytales, legends, they all come from somewhere. I am considered an Elemental, I can manipulate and control the elements, Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Spirit. Not everyone can control all five, most can control three at the very most. My aunt she can control both Fire and Air, my father could control Fire, Earth and Air while my mother could control Spirit. I know, another love story where the lead is a great protagonist, it is all the same thing over and over. I would like to say my story is different, but in all honesty, I do not know if it is. My life is still playing out, I am still writing it."

This is only part of  the first chapter so let me know what y'all think.

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