Chapter 5

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I couldn't open my eyes. I could tell I was in a hospital from the bright lights on the other side of my eye lids and the beeping of machines. I felt a little hand in my right hand. In my left hand I felt a bigger hand and I could hear a woman crying.

"Please wake up, Rose."

That voice, I know that voice. It took me a second to figure it out to be Alaska Day. That must mean that Ava is here too.

I slowly opened my eyes, and turn to look at Ava. "Hey Little One." Ava squealed and hugged me tightly, which made me wince. "Rose!" I shifted to look at Alaska. "Hi."

"I am so happy you woke up. The doctors didn't know if you would. You've been in a coma for about a month and a half." If I have been out for that long then there is only one month left of college. I asked Alaska about this.
"The school is allowing you to take the courses online for free, seeing as it was a student who did this to you."

At that moment I really came to realize that I was in the hospital. "Wh-what happened to me?" I stuttered.

Alaska doesn't look me in the eyes. I turn to Ava, "Little one is your Nana here?" She nods her head. "Can you go out to her?" Again Ava nods and runs out the door.

I shift my eyes to Alaska once again. "Alaska what happened to me?" Alaska starts to tear up.

"A Football player, the one who through the party, drugged you and h-he raped you and beat you." I sat there in shock and started to cry. "Rose that's not all." I freeze thinking what else could there be.

"You're pregnant."

"You're lying."

"I wish I was."

I sobbed and Alaska came into the bed with me carefully. She held me as I cried. After some time I finally calmed down.

"Why are you here?"

"I came as soon as the school informed us. I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing you. I do care about you Rose. So much. When I told Ava that you were here she immediately started crying. You've already had an impact on my daughter and me."

I started to cry again. She actually cares about me. And so does Ava. I've only met that girl once but she has already wormed her way into my heart.

I looked down at my stomach. I'm growing a human inside me. I never thought I would. I put my hands on me, rubbing my stomach. "I love you already, my Little Peanut." I twist my head and stare at Alaska. She kept Ava and raised to love her even though she was concieved from something terrible, I can do that to right?

Alaska smiles at me. "What ever you decide, people will be there to support you. I'll be there to support you." I put my hand on her cheek and lean in. She sees me and leans in too. Our lips meet for the first time in almost two months. This kiss was like our first. Amazing.

It's crazy, our first kiss happened almost the same way. By the talks I mean. Our lips moved in sync until a little girl jumped on my hospital bed.

I pulled away from Alaska when I heard Ava yell "ew." Alaska blushed as we saw her mom, my parents and siblings standing at the door.

"Well, I think I would have liked that more if it didn't involve my sister." My mom turned to my little brother and slapped the back of his head.

I laughed. It felt like forever since I last saw them. "Hey guys," I waved lightly. My mom ran over to me and hugged me tightly cry about how her baby was okay.

When my mom pulled away from me she looked between Alaska and I. "So, I know Alaska from her being here the past month and a half, but are you going to introduce me properly to your girlfriend."

I started to choke on my spit as my mother said that. "What the hell Mom?" Alaska laughed and said, "yeah Rose, introduce your girlfriend to your mother. It is terrible rude that you haven't yet." I just looked back and forth between the two, stuttering out an introduction while everyone else in the room laughed.

Ava climbed in between her mother and I. I smiled down at her as she yawned. I looked at everyone else and told them to leave so Ava could sleep. Everyone left so the only people left were Alaska, Ava, and I.

"I can take her home."

"Please don't I want you both here with me."

Ava curled into me and fell asleep. I scooted over as far as I could so Alaska could lay comfortably too. After we all got settled, I gazed at Alaska in the eyes.

"So we're girlfriends now?"

"Yeah though we'll have to inform the univerity. You still have to take one more of my classes next semester. Though we should be okay if the school is informed. Plus that class you only come to once a week."

I smiled at her happily. Then I looked at my stomach. "Would you hate me if I kept my baby?"

"Of course not, I told you I would support any choice you made. Plus that would kind of make me a hypocrite, seeing as Ava exists."

I yawned and my eyes started to close. "Go to sleep Rose. We'll be here in the morning." I hummed goodnight and past out the moment I let my eyes shut completely.

Please vote and comment. I really appreciate it when someone does. It motivates me to write more. So if you are reading, I'll love you forever if you vote or comment. I understand that this story seems to be moving fast, but this is the first time I am really trying.

Message if you need or want to talk.

You Will Be Loved. (Lesbian Story) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now