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Nandini ran out from mall,open the car door roughly and started to drive without any speed limitations,cutting overtaking,diverging from here to there and finally halts with a jerk at some isolated place

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Nandini ran out from mall,open the car door roughly and started to drive without any speed limitations,cutting overtaking,diverging from here to there and finally halts with a jerk at some isolated place.

Nandini was sitting on the road,leaning her back to the car bonnet,crying remembering her horrible past,missing her mother,she is looking so broken and shattered,tears arnt ready to stop,dont know after how many years she is crying like this and fallen vulnerable. The man who almost killed their souls is living happily ever after as if there was no one in his life before,no guilt,no remorse nothing even he was having the great time of his life. How can a man be this cruel. The man who unfortunately is her biological father.

She never wanted to go back to that past,she never wanted to remember it,with so much of difficulty she tried to forget and moved on.But again that man her so called father came back to make her remember,how much she and her mom suffered and last time that man weakened her mother and this time her. The thing which is pinching her most is that doesn't he feel guilty,whatever he had done to them. How can he live happy leaving them miserable.



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[Malhotra Group of Industries]

Malhotra office,Chandigarh

Manik c ame out from the car wearing his shades.The moment guards saw him they stand up and salute him knowing his real boss aura and authority.He came Chandigarh office in six months or years to check on progress.When Manik Malhotra visits his office then its the hardest and scariest time of the year as if some result declaration day of students. Everytime he comes,he definitely fierd some of his employees and this is the reason main reason for his employees afraid of to death today they are again going to suffer. Whole office is more quite than a library.

Manik walked inside the building and saw their scared faces and smirked to himself and just shrugged his thought.He walked towards a cabin with a smile and opened the glass door excitedly after reading the name plate as if reading for the first time. The moment he get inside the cabin his face glowed like a thousand volt bulb seeing the person sitting on his chair reading some file all engrossed in it facing his back towards manik.

A BROKEN ANGEL AND A WOUNDED PRINCEWhere stories live. Discover now