Nandini POV
"What it is with you and your obsession with this song??"I snapped angrily after getting pissed and irritated like hell.
"What..what do you mean??" He asked turning his face to my side "I mean its just my favorite song ,can't any hear their favourite song. By the way why this song is bothering you so much" he accused trying to act innocent.
"Really Mr Malhotra??? Then why you always sing this around me??"I too accused back.
"Ohh!!well.. I don't know why you are giving so much importance to your self but on a serious note is there something you are suppressing in your heart" he teased again making me growl in anger and I again turned to look out the window and heard him chuckling.
This jerk!!!
"By the way am I invisible??" After few mins of long silence he asked in a serious tone. I turned to face him.
"No??" I don't know I questioned him or answered him but I was confused.
"It means you see me " he grined again pissing me off.
"Ridiculous!!! Bad sense of humor" I mumbled under my breath rolling my eyes.
I think he hitted his head somewhere..
"Excuse me!!!" He scowled " girls die for this and you are calling it a 'bad sense of humor'."
" well I am not" I replied uninterested.
"Hah!! ofcourse you aren't a girl.Right." he commented sarcastically and it took every ounce of my body not to open his side of door and throw him out of his own car.
"Don't start it over again. And yes. I am a GIRL" I snapped angrily he chuckled.
"Prove it!!! I mean not even a single opposite sex cell on this planet who isn't attracted towards me but how you come. If you are a girl than you should be attracted towards me too. No!!" He accused me back.
God !!! Please give me strength not to plan his murder today!!!
"YES!! I am still not attracted to you And what is the proof that you are a Man.??" I accused him back.
"Because I am very attracted to you that you don't have any idea. The thoughts I got when I first saw you in my office you won't justify it if you come to know it. I bet every straight sane man have this thought after seeing you"he exasperated and I felt my cheeks heating up just knowing it he is actually confessing it.
But what are these thoughts he is talking about..
"Well!!what are your and other men's thoughts about me which you are talking about"I asked curious to know.
"You won't appreciate it Miss Murthy"-he smirked in my way. I am still curious to know but knowing his pretty mouth I didn't push him.
Eventually, we reached his office with his continuous teasing and flirting. I climbed out from the car without even waiting for him to open door for me and stormed inside the building.
I stepped inside the building to greeted by a receptionist and there were a chaos among people some were talking , running chatting, laughing etc.

FanfictionINTRODUCING Manik malhotra~asias no.1 youngest business tycoon..age 26 yrs..winning businessman of the year awards frm past 3 yrs..mood switches...some tym sweet some tym gentle some tym cruel and arrogant..completely play boy nd big tym flirt chang...