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Nandini POV

I was lost in my past life sitting on the floor in a corner of my dark room. Tears uncontrollably flowing from my eyes and an immense pain suddenly started to grow in my heart which is getting unbearable with every thought of my past life and daima's venomous words. I am feeling like as if I accused for the same for what my mother has been through. I feel like I too accused for being someone's home wrecker without any fault exactly like my mother eleven years ago.

I am feeling saffocated my breathing suddenly started to increase , panic came the best to me. I don't know where to go what to do to decrease my growing pain. I  am feeling like I have no control on myself. My head is hammering with my past and present incidents. Daima and Yashudha's maasi words are blaring like a disaster in my head , my brain nerves are bulging creating a massive rupture in my head.

"Ahhhh!!!"I cried in pain pressuring my head with my hands almost pulling my hairs from scalp. My face is all wet with continuous hot tears.

I lost myself in my unbearable     pain and started to throw everything just to avoid that accusing women sounds from my head. So that my head ache would decrease but nothing happened. There grew more panic and pain in my heart and head.

Please shut up!!!!

I wanted to shout but my voice betraying me no words forming in my mouth. My throat getting dry. I want to shut their stupid mouth but it keep on increasing. I took a pillow and covered my ears but still that voice keep on growing. My eyes snapped open and fell on the mirror where I saw Daima and Yashudha aunty accusing me and my mom's character. When there shits again started to get unbearably increase, I took the vase from bed side and threw on the mirror and it got shattered. When I felt voices aren't blaring mire I sighed and contracted my body. But after few mins of silence. I again saw some random women behind the glass window of my room accusing me again. I quickly got up and rushed to drag the curtain without caring that I actually walked on broken glass pieces. My inner pain was so painful that I never felt the pain on my skin. I sat back there leaning on the wall again but voices aren't ready to decrease and my heart and headache keep on increasing. I wiped my sniffing nose and eyes with back of my palms harshly which was bluring my vision. My eyes fell on broken glass pieces and I quickly grabbed it and watched it studiously. After that I slowly took it and started to scratch my wrist brutally with it without caring how much blood I am loosing just to distract my inner pain. My wrists now started to look awful. But atleast it decreases my pain a little. My vision started to blur and I felt black spots infront of my eyes and my eyes drooping slowly. I smiled a lazy smile before collapsing on the bloody floor last I heard was hard knocks on my door.

Manik POV

I rushed from the hall to Nandini. I reached her door to find it locked. I got worried and slightly knocked on the door didn't want to disturb her but suddenly I heard the sound of shattering and breaking something. I got more worried and started to bang door hard after few mins Abhi too joined me and he too came hearing the same shattering breaking sound and slowly everyone gathered around there looking worried. We banged so hard but there was no response and my patience level broke.

"Guddi!!bring the spare keys of this room..FAST!!" I shouted for one of my servants and she without any delay came running with the key before handling me.

I put the key in keyhole , door get open after click sound. I banged open the door only to met with darkness nothing else. A little sunlight coming from the closed window glass with dragged curtain  which was illuminating the room very little only to leave the thing almost on our assumptions. I walk inside slowly and felt my something like glass and some other solid pieces crunching beneath my food and I got more worried. I finally found the switch and open it we all gasped in shock:the room was a mess more than we imagined. Everything was completely broken nothing was on place but still there was no sign of Nandini not even voice. We all started to look here in there in room and after reaching on other side of the bed. I gasped in shock and my body started to trembling in fear. After noticing my shock trembling face everyone gathered around me and they have the same look.

A BROKEN ANGEL AND A WOUNDED PRINCEWhere stories live. Discover now