Until my mom completed by her story my head was already spinning as if I will have a migraine any time soon and my hands are already bandaged by my mom. I came here to get the answers of all the questions but it seems I got more questions to find out.
What is the actual reality behind all this. Here is only one culprit who is destroying everyone's life may be its either Nandini's parents or my parents or may be someone else. And may be we all are the victim of misunderstandings just like Nandini have about me.
But again why my father lied to me , he still talks to my mom on daily basis since five years. I know all these but just don't ask me how. My father has no problem with my mother's betrayal but he abandoned me for her sins. What the fucking logic it is.
''Can I ask you som_something Manik?''my mom sounds hesitant which snapped me out from my thoughts '' what?'' I asked frowning. ''why after all this years you needed answer so suddenly is everything ok?'' she asked in concern and her question again hit a realisation that I am still angry with my mother no matter how much she suffered because she also left me to suffer.
''Nothing! Nothing is okay.'' I growled holding my head with my palms. '' Just because of your selfishness all the people I started to love abandon me and left me unloved. Tell me what should I do. Haan? After so many years I thought I found someone who can take away my all miseries but who I am joking, happiness aren't for me because she too abandoned me and Just because of YOU.''I stare at her venomously spitting the words and she stare back at me in utter confusion.
''Manik what..what you are saying?'' she stuttered.
''First answer me why Dad never even takes a second glance at me but talks to you every day?'' I asked her with scrutinizing stare and now she look shocked. ''Manik do you know all this?'' she asked baffled.
''I told you I know everything.'' I shrugged with a painful smile and she huffed before answering me '' I talk to your Dad just to know about you.'' she answered not meeting my eyes and I got suspicious ''And why is that when he was the one who got hurt by you not me?'' of course I cant digest this. When my dad and look at me with love than how can he face the woman who betrayed him.
''Mani..Manik actually yo..your Dad apologises for his deeds everyday and asking for me,,,him.. TOGETHER.''
God! not another shock please!
''But he doesn't love me. Wow!'' I exaggerated laughing humourlessly like a mad man and my mom again flinched.
''No..No..Manik he loves you , he just keep distant from you because he thinks you are living a miserable life just because of him and he blames himself that I left both of you. '' Mom exclaimed trying to coax me.
''Bullshit !If he really loves me than he should be close to me taking care of me.'' I scoffed.
''NO!'' Mom exclaimed. '' he just don't want to hurt you just the way he did hurt me and himself. Manik he is a great dad just try and understand him. He loves you so much that its hurt him whenever he sees you miserable because he cant see you in pain and he think if he will try to heal you, he will hurt you. Most importantly he wanted you to learn self and emotion control so that no one can break you just the way I did to you and your dad. '' She hiccupped.
My really going to get a headache for so many days. Everything is so confusing. I didn't answer her but got up from the floor '' I ..I ...think I should leave.'' I mumbled and walked out ''Wait Manik!'' but my mom again stopped me and I halted but didn't turn around and waited for her to continue '' if you really love someone than don't force her to love you back. Remember that love cant be force. I am telling you all this because I saw your father in you when you were angry and I don't want you to end up like your father. If you truly love someone than earn it not force.'' she stopped and I nodded in understanding before walking out again and heard a last very low ''I love you.Stay blessed.''

FanfictionINTRODUCING Manik malhotra~asias no.1 youngest business tycoon..age 26 yrs..winning businessman of the year awards frm past 3 yrs..mood switches...some tym sweet some tym gentle some tym cruel and arrogant..completely play boy nd big tym flirt chang...