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okay well this rant mentions rape so if that makes you uncomfortable, please don't read this and i hope you have a wonderful day. ((:

let me start off by saying i am pissed. and i mean pissed. how awful is it that we live in a country where making a profit is ruled in favor over someone being raped. how sick.

gaga is 100% correct in that picture above. why aren't we asking the important questions like 'are you okay'? someone speaking up about something so incredibly difficult to talk about should be proof enough. and as someone who has actually been put in therapy and hospitals because of shit like this, i am so unbelievably angry.

fuck you sony. fuck you dr. luke. fuck you stupid ass judge/jury who has done this to this poor girl who finally got enough courage to speak up after 10 years. 10 fucking years. just fuck you.


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