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I woke up with a weird feeling in my stomach. It was very unusual but I dismissed it quickly and went on my usual breakfast routine of egg sandwiches and a smoothie. I don’t know about you but I can literally eat the same thing every single day without getting tired of it. I guess I’m used to it? I don’t know but there are days where I change up my routine a bit. Today I was really excited because I got to pick up another one of my long term and childhood friends from the airport. We used to be neighbors and play a lot together when we were little. Today she was landing in San Francisco and I just can’t wait to see her.

What’s more exciting is that she is going to permanently move to the city and I heard from her that her apartment is going to be about a block away from mines! How cool is that?! Ah I just can’t contain myself. Wait, wait, I forgot to introduce you to her!

Her name is Veronica. She has rather dark brown eyes, that have a little twinkle whenever she got excited about something. She has super curly and fluffy, but surprisingly soft brown hair. Her hair color reminded me of this authentic chocolate I tried from Central America 'cuz the colors were similar. She wore rectangular, little glasses and had such flawless but pale skin. I have to admit, I was jelly of her skin. Honestly it was perfect!

Not only was I excited to to see her again, but she mentioned some of her buddies are also coming too! Well, some were permanently staying here and and some were just coming to visit. But either way, I can’t wait to have fun with all of them and the rest of my friends. This last part of 2013 is going to be hashtag cray!

Well, since it just wasn’t her coming, I assume I am going to need help to help her pick her up. Satsuki can only fit four people, maybe even just three with all their luggage. I wonder if Shane is willing to help? I’m sure he won’t mind. I send him a text just to make sure.

Joey: Hey Shane! You mind helping me out on something, bud?

Almost instantly I receive a message back.

Shane: Uhm, yea sure. What is it?

Is he alright?

Joey: I just need to pick up some friends of mine at the airport. Mind joining me?

Shane: Ok. What day?

Joey: Today. I’ll txt you once my friend touches down.

Shane: Sure. See you later?

Joey: Yep! Bye boii!

That was easy. Okay, the second part of my day is planned. Now I have to figure out what to do right now to kill some time. I don’t have any work to do or an important event to attend to I might as well go hang out with someone. I shower and get dressed, grab my keys and head over to Luke’s house. Hope he is there.


“Joey! What brings you over?”

“Just wondering if we could hang out. I have a few hours of spare time and I don’t know what to do.”

“Yea sure, come on in.”

To my surprise, Sawyer was also there. Hah, whatever we were going to do, it is going to be fun!

“Joey!” Sawyer cheered and patted me hard on the back.

“Hey Sawyer!”

“Yo Luke, now that he is here we should play video games or some shit.”

"Yea buddy! What game? Requests anyone? Joey? Sawyer?"

“What about Mario Kart?" I suggested

"Sure. Then can we play on the Kinect? I got a new dancing game and I thought it would be fun to play it!"  

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