Garnet x Onyx

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Name: Onyx
Gem(s): 8, spread across knuckles
Appearance: long black hair, paper white skin, (only a centimeter shorter then Pearl), wearing a traditional prisoner's outfit on Homeworld
Personality: strong but silent, skidish, brave, kind hearted, always shames self even when she's not to blame
Crush: Garnet
Etc: was Yellow diamonds prisoner until rescued in jailbreak

Since this is a request. I asked if she wanted it to be a lemon or one shot and she said that I could chose it. So I'm going to make this a lemon. There may not be a p.o.v change just letting you all know. But there might be one I don't know at the moment.

Onyx's p.o.v

I don't know what to think. I was upset cause of something that happened between Pearl and Garnet. Garnet was mad at Pearl. And Pearl was upset with Garnet. I feel like it's my fault. I mean sure the Crystal gems saved me..... But it feels like it's my fault that this all was happening. I sat on my bed in my room of the temple. I just sat there with my legs pulled up to my chest. My long black hair covering my face. I still remember the day on that ship when I was freed. And when I meet Garnet.

~Flash back~

I sat in my cell sitting silently. I was not scared of what was going to happen. I looked at my gems on my knuckles. I growled and got up slamming the palms of my hands on the wall. I looked down at my uniform. After being blamed for being a rebel and for being a so called fusion. I became a prisoner. The uniform a single peace with all the diamonds on it and chains connecting the diamonds. "Just cause I did not agree to harm that creature does not mean I was a rebel...... I'm just to kind hearted." I muttered. My black uniform seeming like a black yellow mix cause of this force field wall.

I heard fighting and soon and explosion. I jumped as the ship started to fall. Someone stopped in front of the cell I was in and looked at me. I looked at her and was surprised when she punched the controls for the cell freeing me. "Lets go this ships going down!" She shouted. I nodded as I followed behind her. We then ran into the control room and there were three other gems. They all gathered around the small pink boy and I was backing away from some of the debri that came crashing to the floor. The gem that saved me from my cell pulled me to there little group.

The boy then made a pink bubble around us to protect us. I looked around as the gem held me and the others close. I had a hand on the boy and another hand on the gem. Once we crashed we were covered in the broken ship parts. Then freed by a pink Earth creature. "Ho my gosh! I can't believe your a fusion all the time!" The boy said looking up at the gem that save me. She nodded then looked at me. "You alright?" She asked. I nodded and smiled. "Thanks for saving me back there..... Your?" I asked wanting to know her name.

"My names Garnet. This is Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven." She said. "I'm Onyx." I said. Amethyst looked at my hands and grabbed one looking at my knuckles. "Wait your a fusion of eight gems!" Amethyst asked. "Um well..... Kind of." I said pulling my hand away from her. "You stay fused to keep your self stable?" Garnet asked. "In a way yes..... Since my gems are so small they all fused into one knowing that it would be better to be one gem then multiple small gems that would be considered worthless." I explained.

We all stopped hearing that something was coming out of the ship pile. It was Jasper. I glared at her and clenched my fists. Not knowing what would happen next.

~end of flash back~

I sat on my bed smiling a little about how I was saved and started to grow feelings for Garnet. I heard someone walking through my room. My room was not that large. But it did have three levels. I did not have much yet. But I'm adding things as I work for the gems. I fixed my hair and turned my body to see it was Garnet. "Onyx you ok? You've seem to be staying in your room more often then normal." Garnet said/asked. "Well I just feel like it's my fault.... About what evers happening with you and Pearl." I said rubbing my arm.

Garnet sat next to me and pulled me close. "It's not your fault...... It's Pearl's." Garnet said with her teeth clenched. "I guess but it still feels like my fault." I said looking down. "It's not. Pearl fused with me after making something that Peridot did activate over and over. She should know how I feel about fusion." Garnet said growling a bit. I looked at Garnet a bit worried. Cause I never seen Garnet mad before. Or at least from the time I've been with them. "Well I don't understand what it's like being a fusion of love.

I just understand being a fusion so these gems.... Would not be shattered for being so small and weak." I said looking down at the eight gems on my knuckles. I sighed and placed an hand on my arm. Garnet nodded and looked down at me. "And while I've been here I've..... I've also gained.... Feelings for you. But I know you could not feel theses feelings..... Since your a fusion of love and all." I said and glanced up at her. She then placed a hand on my face having me look up at her. I had a faint blush forming on my face.

My eyes widened as Garnet kissed me. Her lips soft and smooth. I slowly melted into the kiss. After a few moments we pulled back. I could tell I had a dark blush on my face. "How could you love me if your a fusion of love?" I asked. "I'm not one person and I'm not two separate beings. I am my own gem. And you are two even if your a fusion. That means I can love who I want." Garnet said kissing my noise. I smiled and was surprised when Garnet pinned me to my bed and kissed me again. I kissed back and traced my hands down her body.

Garnet's hands went up to the top of my single peace uniform and slowly started to pull it down. I started to do the same thing with Garnet's battle suit. Garnet pulled back and started to kiss my neck. I groaned a bit as she found my sweet spot. I pulled the top of Garnet's battle suit down to reveal her large breasts. I blushed more as Garnet pulled the top of my uniform down to reveal my medium breasts. Garnet pulled away from my neck and smiled. I smiled back as I undid her bra and took one into my mouth.

Garnet moaned as she took my bra off and played with my breasts. I moaned as she pinched the bud on my breasts. I pulled back moaning and started on her other breast. She then started to pull the rest of my uniform off leaving me in only my panties. I pulled the rest of her warriors suit and panties off and onto the floor next to mine. Garnet smirked as she kissed me again and started to plant kisses down my jaw line. She then started to kiss down my neck looking for my sweet spot. I moaned softly as she found my sweet spot.

She attacked that spot with kissing it, sucking on it, and slightly nibbling it. She kept on going till a small hicky was left. She pulled back and I placed a hand on the spot. I looked at Garnet as her hands trailed down my slim body and rubbed me through my panties. I moaned lightly and closed my eyes at the feeling. She then pulled my panties off and rubbed my entrance slowly tracing her fingers at the lips of my womanhood. I moaned louder and laid flat on my back. Garnet hovered her self over me as she licked my womanhood.

I moaned and looked at hers. I placed my hands on her thighs and slowly licked Garnet's womanhood. Garnet let out a soft moan. The vibrations of her moan on my womanhood driving me crazy. I moaned louder and licked Garnet faster pushing my tongue through the lips of Garnet's womanhood. Garnet moaned louder as she licked faster pushing her tongue as far as it could go. I did the same thing and closed my eyes. We did this for a about five minutes til we both came. I pulled back panting and licked up Garnet's cum and laid back down.

Garnet panted and sat next to me pulling me close to her. "I love you Onyx~" Garnet said with a smile. "I love you too Garnet~" I said and smiled.

I hope you all like it. And again this was a request from Witchlight_Arcade . If you got any requests let f know and I do Oc's too. I'll let you know what you have to do if you want me to do an Oc. See you all ext time!

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