Pink diamond x reader ; little diamond one-shot

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First off everyone you're going to be female in this. The reason why is because in this you'll be an indian and female indians were given the most respect. Plus they did more of the work around their homes so that's another reason why.

In this your a human. One of the first few humans that Pink diamond meets for her first trip to Earth. So she decided to use her time to get use to you and understand humans and their religion. As you start to understand her you're surprised by what'a happening. Now let's start!


Key term's;

Y/n= Your name
N/n= Nickname
H/l= Hair length
H/c= Hair color
S/c= Skin color
E/c= Eye color
F/c= Favorite color


Pink diamond's p.o.v

I giggled happily as I was heading to Earth. My very first colony which excited me. Blue diamond had a few of her Quartz gems to protect me in case something might happen. To be honest I don't really think anything would go wrong. Though i still brought them along so Blue diamond wouldn't worry so much. Once the ship landed I got up and went outside to look at my planet. A fee Bismuth's went to the planets moon to build a little safe area to allow me to plan out whay i should do. Once i walked out of the ship i smiled as i looked at the jungle like area. Two Amethyst's then walked over to me both holding a spear ready to defend me. As we walked I hummed and watched some creatures. "Oh." I giggled as I watched this odd colorful bug as it flee around before landing on my nose. "It landed on me." I smiled with diamond's in my eyes as I started at it. It really tickled because it was moving around before flying off. Once it was gone I continued to walk and look at stuff. After a while of walking I stopped as I heard something.

Once I heard it I went to get a closer look at what made the sound. The creature I saw looked so odd. It looked like us in a way though different as well. Their skin a s/c while their hair is a h/l h/c. Quite messy I would say if my hair wasn't the same. They were doing something odd and was wearing something odd. While they were working I watched them. They had a knife in their hand and was cutting at something. As they were cutting something I saw that they lifted the thing up before standing. After a while the thing then went to grab what they needed. I really wanted to get closer to them so I carefully got closer to them. When I stepped on a twig this made them jump to life before turning around and faced me. Pointing the stone knife they had at me as they looked me over with their e/c eyes. I thought and looked at what they had on, before taking note of their s/c skin.

Y/n's p.o.v

You thought in confusion as you looked up at the pink colored human as she stood there. They smiled as they were looking you over. Though as she was doing that two oddly colored purple humahs ran at me. They both held spears. So you thought and jumped back. There was only a split moment to think so you picked up a large rock up and held it up as one of the spears went into the rock. Which allowed you to jump bacj the animal pelt that you gathered on your back. "Both of you stop it!" The pink human said as she tried to stop the two of them. "But our diamond. They pointed a weapon at you." One of the purple humans said as they kept their spear pointed at you. "Well... i did kind of sneak up on them." The pink one nervousky chuckled as they tapped their pointer fingers together. You tilted your head a little before placing your stone knife into the side of your clothing. The animak pelt around your wait havinf a small holder for it. You then ficed the animak pelt around your top before slowly walking to the pink human.

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