Chapter 5 - The New Kid in Town

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"I don't accept that. You shouldn't either. You can't just accept things, Oliver. If I had accepted my life, I would be a cocktail waitress in Vegas like my mother, and I never would have gone to college, and I never would have moved a thousand miles away to work at Queen Consolidated, and I never would have believed some crazy guy in a hood when he told me I could be more than just some IT girl."

~ Felicity Smoak (Overwatch)


I was glad to finally be back at school on Tuesday. Father wouldn't let me come yesterday because I still had a small fever, which I thought was stupid. A headache shouldn't stop me from getting my education.

Besides, do you know how much work I missed? We had a test on Friday in pre-calculus that I have to make up, we started a whole new topic in AP Biochemistry, there's a project due in history, and not to mention the fact that we were assigned a reading in Literature that I didn't know about.

(I'm going to end up going through my whole life without knowing what a parabola is.)

Missing one day of high school, especially at a place like Eldredge Academy, meant missing a whole month worth of stuff.

I mean – if you were careless and cared nothing about your future, like my dear old brother, then you could skip school. But it won't be my fault when he can't get into a good college because his attendance records and grades are too low. He won't be able to cheat off of Olly forever.

But, anyways, the point is that I was finally back in school.

I was at lunch, furiously trying to finish two days' worth of homework, when I actually looked up and caught a bit of the table's conversation.

"What were you saying?" I questioned Olly.

"Well," Ian interjected, "Olly was just talking about this gorgeous new girl in our pre-calculus class. Her flowing dark hair and dark eyes were just to die for, weren't they?"

"Shut up, Ian." Olly chided, pushing his friend for his antics.

"Is she prettier than me?" Elise asked with a smirk at her boyfriend.

Olly chuckled nervously. "Definitely not."

"Guys, you are missing the point!" I exclaimed. "There is a new student at Eldredge Academy. How often does that happen?"

In fact, as far as I knew, that really never happened. Sure, new students were administered at the beginning of the school year, but never in the middle of the school year. Whoever this new girl's parents were, they had serious connections to get her admitted in the middle of the year. I was curious as to who she was, and if she was as pretty as the boys claimed.

"Well, she seemed really nice. Even Mr. Anderson seemed to like her, and he likes nobody." Ian added.

Olly scoffed. "Mr. Anderson likes me. You're the only one he hates."

"It's not my fault that I had to suggest a change of toupee for Mr. Anderson. His current one looks a little bit too fake."

"Ian, he doesn't have a toupee!" I scolded him.

"That's what he wants you to think."

"Umm, can I sit here?"

We all looked up simultaneously. Standing next to our usual table was a literal goddess. She had silky dark hair and eyes that sparkled when she moved her head. Her smile was contagious and her obvious Asian decent made her look about as innocent as they came. But, knowing Elise, not all the ones who looked innocent really were.

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