Chapter 10 - Superhero rulebook

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"The day my father Odin banished me from Asgard, I was bitten by a vampire and had radioactive waste dumped into my eyes. To make matters worse, my mutant ability to control weather activated just as I was hit by a blast of gamma radiation."

~ Wade Wilson (Deadpool)


When the self-proclaimed Inferno sent a blast of fire at Oliver, I took action.

I grabbed for the nearest thing to throw, a table, and threw it in the path of Inferno's fire. Instead of hitting the intended target, Oliver, the fire hit the table.

Too bad that action brought all the attention in the room to the one who threw the object.

"I was wondering if White Lightning was going to let you show up." Inferno taunted.

Of course the villain knew White Lightning had a sidekick before anyone else did. Why do the villains of the story always know everything before it happens?

"It's two against one, Inferno." Oliver taunted back.

Inferno smiled. "Yes, but it's one powerful super against two heroes busy saving the citizens."

He sent a blast of fire up to the rafters, directly above where a circle of hostages were huddling, including my mother and father. I immediately rushed over, not caring that I was leaving myself open for attack. I immersed myself in the middle of the crowd and lifted my arms. The rafters fell and I held them up.

The crowd just stared at me in shock until I shouted at them to go, because I might've been strong, but I was afraid I might still drop the heavy object in my hands.

The hostages moved out from under the rafter I was holding and I was able to let it down. It was still burning partly, so I took the nearest tablecloth and patted the fire out. The hostages that had been under the rafters were sneaking out the side door Oliver and I had sneaked through, so I turned to see if Oliver needed help.

He was playing cat and mouse with Inferno, both of them sending out streams of electricity or fire at each other while ducking behind objects or pillars.

I'm pretty sure I was the only who noticed the damage it was doing to the building.

I headed to the nearest pillar that had been hit. It looked like it had been the fire, because the plywood was burned and the metal skeleton melted. I knew it was close to falling over from the imbalance of weight holding the ceiling up, so pushed it the opposite direction. The pillar creaked, but didn't fall on me. When I stepped back, it was a bit crooked, but not in danger of falling anymore.

I then proceeded to grab the rafters that had fallen before. They weren't as hard to lift as I remembered, probably because they weren't on fire and lives were no longer at stake if I couldn't lift it. I spun and took aim at Inferno, who had Oliver cornered against a window.

The rafters hit Inferno straight in the back, hopefully damaging a body part. I don't normally wish others pain, but if it stopped him from attacking us, I would love Inferno to have as many broken bones and bruises as possible.

Plus, an injured super usually has more trouble using their powers.

Inferno had been knocked down by the force of the rafters. He got up and snarled at me before charging. I turned to run before I realized that I was a super now and I was very strong. I could probably block this guy's attack if I had to.

Well, I thought that until he consumed himself in fire.

It was too late to flee as he tackled me to the ground. I was covered in the stifling heat of the fire coming off of his body. I was sweating in seconds, and then that sweat was being evaporated just as quickly by his flames. The extra strength of my super suit protected me against the bulk of the flames, but I could still feel the heat and I was pretty sure my boots would melt if I couldn't wrestle him off of me.

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