Chapter 9 - The burning man

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"I feel like I live in a world of, cardboard. Always trying not to break something, or someone. Because if I lose control for a second, people could die. But you can take it, can't you big man?"

~ Clark Kent (Superman)


"So, if we want to make you a real sidekick, we need to find something for us to save. Usually robberies and supervillain attacks are the most common." Oliver directed.

We were sitting in the Man Cave the day after Oliver had originally told me who he really was during his past-time. Eric was listening to the police scanner, trying to find a bad guy for us to help stop, while Oliver was teaching me the ways of being a hero.

"Yeah, why is it that the bad guys are always robbing banks?" I wondered aloud. "Even in those old comic books, the super villains always attempted to rob a bank. I mean – why?"

Oliver sighed. "Money is a great motivator for crime. Trust me, our job would be much easier if criminals decided to not rob a bank for once."


It still shocked me. Oliver Storm, White Lightning, was now my sort of boss. I still could barely wrap my head around the fact that I was a super, but to be the unofficial sidekick of the hero who worked under Captain Impossible? It was almost a dream come true.

"Besides, if a villain isn't robbing a back or taking hostages, they have a personal vendetta against me and try to attack or provoke me. That was how Andromeda first started in this city. She attacked Delinquent to get me to come."

"You mean your girlfriend." I corrected him.

He grimaced. "Yes. I guess you could say that."

I smirked. "How does it feel to know your girlfriend was also a super with questionable intentions? Don't people still think she's a villain?"

"Yep." Oliver said with a strained voice.

"Do you think you two would've ever told each other who you were? I mean – that is a pretty big secret to keep from your significant other." I wondered aloud again. "I feel like you would've told her first, being the self-righteous guy you are."

"Aden, this is time for you to learn how to be a super, not time for you to try and decipher my relationship with my girlfriend." Oliver warned.

I smiled. "Oh, but this is so much more fun, Oliver."

"Fun for you maybe."

"And me," Eric entered into the conversation.

"Yes, because both of you obviously find so much pleasure in me being uncomfortable."

Eric grinned. "Definitely."

Oliver sighed. "Can we just not talk about my relationship with Elise? We're supposed to be finding someone or someplace to save so Aden can get the training he needs and to be exposed to the public eye. The last time I checked, Elise had nothing to do with that."

"Fine." I smirked. "But you're the one who brought her up in the first place."

He gave me a look full of warning, but I could see the playfulness there.

It was surprising how fast we got along. Before I had only known Oliver Storm as a popular junior who once saved me from bullies, but now? Oliver Storm was more than just a nice guy. He was a super – White Lightning. He wasn't a privileged, conceded rich kid like the rest of our school. He liked me, and he wanted to help me with my own powers.

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