Chapter 21 - A villain's motive

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"Wanna know how I got these scars?"

~ Jack Napier (The Joker)


Perhaps it wasn't the worst day ever. I mean – besides the fact that my best friend just found out I had been lying to him our entire friendship, I was fine.

(Note the sarcasm.)

As we made our way down the hall, Ian wouldn't stop giving me dirty looks. I couldn't look him in the eye for fear of his full expression.

I betrayed him. I lied to him. I deceived him.

I would be mad with me too.

When you've been searching your whole life for the identity of a super like Captain Impossible, you take it as a personal insult when your best friend had known his identity since they were seven – way before the news released it. Especially after you find out the fact that he not only knows who White Lightning is, but is actually the spandex clad savior himself.

I would understand if Ian never talked to me ever again.

Heather, on the other hand, was star-struck. Back before I was really friends with her, she would give me the same stare. I was the all-American-boy at Eldredge, so most everyone knew the legend of the popular nice kid in junior year. Heather, despite being the First Daughter, was quite the loner. When she came up to ask me out for coffee all that time ago, it was the first she'd ever spoken to me. Even after that she would look at me like a deer in the headlights occasionally. Recently she was growing on the group, becoming more comfortable with us. And now all that was broken, because we were back to where we were before.

Heather was looking at me like I was a celebrity, which I kind of was. It made me a bit uncomfortable, especially since the twins next to her were giving me opposite looks.

But even with my trashed friendships, we still had one more villain to deal with.

I was banking everything on the fact that the two hadn't destroyed each other. When Aden and I had left to follow Dylan, they were fighting ferociously on an equal stance. Despite Elise's inexperience, they had been evenly matched.

I really hoped Andromeda wouldn't overpower Elise before we got back.

We reached the auditorium first.

"Alright, time to go, guys." I said, gesturing to the back door to the stage. Hopefully the administrators inside wouldn't notice that they hadn't already been there.

Heather walked into the auditorium with no argument. She looked back at me one more time before disappearing behind the door.

It was my best friend and his sister who I was more concerned about.

"No." Mary said defiantly – acting like her old self in the most inconvenient of times.

"Yeah." Ian agreed. "I'm not leaving."

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I would not endanger my friends anymore today. If earlier was any proof, they weren't safe near me.

"You have to leave. Andromeda is still somewhere in the school fighting with Delinquent. Aden and I have to go help her, now. We don't need you two dying on my watch."

Ian looked up and pressed his lips together before speaking, "Delinquent is Elise, isn't she?"

I grounded my teeth together. Of course Ian would figure it out. Now I had to explain to my girlfriend why her friends weren't talking to the either of us.

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