Chapter 11 - If you had a Superpower

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"All my life, I've wanted to do more... be more. And now I am. And the first chance I get to help someone, I screw up. What if Wells is right? What if I'm not a hero? What if I'm just some guy who was struck by lightning?"

~Barry Allen (The Flash)


It was two weeks since I told Oliver my secret identity, and things were definitely not as awkward as I thought they'd be.

You know, when you tell your boyfriend that you're a vigilante anti-hero, normally things don't go by smoothly, especially when said boyfriend was a superhero himself.

I had made a few public saves in the past weeks, enough so that the public stopped calling me a villain. I mean – I hadn't even technically done things that were necessarily bad before. Graffiti was technically a petty crime, and I only did it to speak out against the corrupt politicians my parents were always talking about. And maybe attacking a couple trucks wasn't exactly legal, but Paramount Pharmaceuticals wasn't exactly following the law in the first place and needed to be taught a lesson.

Oliver and I had acted normal the first couple of days at school, even if things were a bit awkward. I was a bit star-struck when I first found out, especially since my best friend was practically in love with supers like White Lightning. To know that you're dating a superhero is a bit to get used to.

But, in all reality, it was a wonder I never saw it before. Oliver was the nicest guy anyone would know. He was the kind of guy who would walk an old lady across the street or give a homeless man his last dollar. Of course he was a real life hero with his good heart.

I figured he was also a bit surprised with me when he found out who I was. I was very quiet at school, which probably made it weird that I was an outspoken vigilant super in my spare time.

Plus, adding to the fact, Oliver had gotten himself a sidekick.

Aden Dashner was a freshman. I only knew of him because he was in a couple of sophomore classes, which meant he was one of the insanely nerdy kids. Oliver himself could've skipped classes as well, but I think he didn't want to feel weird for being ahead of the rest of our grade.

Aden was certainly a strange character. He was geeky, but also very sarcastic. It was also very obvious that he had a huge crush on Mary.

Aden and his best friend, Tyler, have been sitting at our lunch table, invited by Oliver of course, since last week. Being two freshmen at a table of juniors must've given them some popularity points, and judging by the envious looks of other freshmen, everyone thought they were the luckiest people alive.

Our lunch table was getting very crowded.

Of course, there was Olly, Ian, Mary, and I, the original few. Then Heather got added to the bunch a few weeks ago when Oliver invited her, oblivious to her huge crush on him. Next came Nicole, the mysterious new girl whom had invited herself to our table. Lastly was Aden and Tyler, who were very excited to be eating with us.

Aden being Oliver's sidekick came with a couple of other perks as well. The public was starting to take notice of White Lightning's new sidekick. He had been dubbed Kratos after the Greek god of strength. After he lifted a crashed bus in the air, saving the lives of twenty stuck civilians, he was taken more seriously. It wasn't common that supers with strength were heroes and not villains.

Aden was all smiles nowadays, due to his sidekick job turning out better than expected.

I liked to think that in a few years Aden could be a real superhero.

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