Chapter 9

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Harry was a complete sweetheart. When we walked inside, he made me a cup of tea before he gave me a towel and shoved me in his shower. And man, it was the best shower I had in ages. I stood in the tub, letting the warm water flow over me for ages. When I’d finished, I wiped myself down before realising that I had no clothes except my dress which laid on the floor. I picked it up and had a good look at it. I could see random splatters of blood on the dress, obviously from the places where Harry had touched me with his injured hand. I threw the dress back on the floor, perfectly knowing that I couldn’t put that back on.

I took a quick look around Harry’s bathroom, searching for some spare clothes or anything I could steal, I mean borrow, for the night. On a rack I found a plain black jumper of his. Without hesitation, I shoved it over my head, perfectly knowing that Harry really wouldn’t care if I wore his clothes. I used to do it in the past all the time and he’d never seemed to mind then. Even when we broke up and we’re ‘just friends’ he still didn’t care when I used his stuff. I wrapped the towel down around my bottom half before further exploring Harry’s bathroom.

I opened a couple of the cupboards and found the usual toiletries. Toothpaste, toothbrush, shaving cream, hair gel, condoms... Wait what?!? I looked at Harry’s pack of condoms and smiled before I put them down. Looking at them bought back great memories, but also made me want to be with him even more. Eager to push away those memories and to prevent myself from becoming horny myself, I quickly closed the cupboard before storming out of the bathroom and straight into Harry’s room. Harry stood in the corner searching for something in his tall boy dresser.

To my surprise, Harry had already showered and was wearing nothing but his underwear. His hand was dripping wet yet he didn’t seem to notice as he continued to search through his dresser.

“You showered?” I questioned him. He looked up from his dresser and towards me and smiled. The mood had certainly lightened since before, and now Harry was as calm and happy as ever.

“Yeah, I used Lou’s one. I forgot how long it takes for you to shower. I must say, ever since you stopped sleeping over at mine every night, our water bill did drop dramatically... And I mean like heaps” He said cheekily. He motioned his right hand to above his head. “Here’s what it’s like when you’re here...” He moved that hand to the ground. “And here’s what it’s like when you’re not”.

I smiled at his playfulness before giving him a light push. I replied, “It’s so not like that. Stop lying!”

“Are you accusing me of being a liar?” He said, pretending to be shocked.

“Just shut up and give me some pants!” I laughed. In return, he scrambled through the top drawer of the dresser.

“You know, normally people ask me to take off their pants, not to give them some.” He informed me before throwing some pants in my direction. Carefully, I put the pants on before slipping off the towel.  

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” I giggled. I moved over towards Harry’s king size bed and sat on it. I shuffled around so I could get myself underneath the covers. Harry stood in the corner, watching me as I tucked myself in to my side of the bed. I used to sleep in this bed so often that I even claimed my own side. Harry and I always fought about this, because I always left with him with the side closest to the door, simply because robbers would always get to him before me if they broke in. And it’s not that I wanted Harry to be confronted by robbers and it’s not that I didn’t trust the ridiculous security measures that were taken to protect this house, it’s just that Harry’s tank. And I mean, muscles ripping out of your t shirts tank. The mere sight of his muscles surely would scare any robbers away. Or maybe just turn them on. I’m not quite sure which one.

I looked over at Harry. He was still in his underwear. And still staring at me. To get him to hurry up, I took the pillow from his side of the bed and put it underneath the pillow I was currently using.

“Hey!” He said. It was clear that I had sparked a reaction from him. He quickly jumped on to the bed and straight on to me. And even though he didn’t look very heavy, man did he weigh a ton. Must’ve been all his muscles.

He continued on, “Now, you can either give me my pillow like a good girl, or, you will face a tickle torture!”

Frightened by his threat, I reluctantly gave him the pillow. He smiled cheekily before saying “Good girl. I mean, I wouldn’t have tickled you anyway cause my hands a little sore but it’s good to know you’re still as ticklish at before”

By this time, Harry had already moved into his side of the bed and under the covers. He reached over to his bed side table and switched off the lights before climbing closer to me. Knowing he couldn’t see my face in the dark, I shuffled even closer to him and put my arms around his bare stomach, hoping he’d get my hint that I wanted to snuggle. In perfect timing, he moved his arm around mine before giving me a kiss on the nose.

Nervously, I added, “I love you Styles”

“I love you too baby... I love you too.”

From there, we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.  

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