Chapter 1

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It was the day of my friend’s birthday party and it had been months since I broke up with Harry. As a consequence, that unfortunately meant I was single. It also meant that my date had to be the one guy that I knew that would come. Yes, it was Harry himself. Dressed up in his suit and tie and wearing a blue short dress that matched my blue eyes, we looked like the perfect couple. I mean, we both even had curly brown hair that matched each other. Only thing was, Harry and I were no longer a couple, but merely two best friends.

Harry and I drove to the party together, feeling perfectly comfortable next to each other. We had decided to stay friends after the break up and we had managed a great relationship since. He had dated plenty of girls, but then again he was Harry Styles, what do you expect. I hadn’t dated anyone since Harry. But tonight was different. I knew I had to move on. Starting with Trey. Trey was another friend of mine and he was totally into me. He was a bit of a play boy, with dark hair and dark brown eyes. I guess he was a little darker then I was, he was into underage drinking and random hook-ups, whereas I was a lot more reserved. But tonight, that would change. I was going to start something with Trey, and I was going to make sure everyone knew that, starting with Harry himself.

“So, I think I might get with someone tonight.” I told Harry. His eyes diverted off the road and on to me, then quickly back to the road. His face looked shocked, but I couldn’t tell if it was in a good or bad way.

“With who?” He questioned. He seemed genuinely curious.

“None of your business Styles. You’re not ruining this for me. I just thought you should know before you find out by someone else”. I informed him.

“You mean before I drive you both to a hotel room tonight?” He said we a cheeky grin. His eyes remained on the road, but even still I could see the humour in his eyes.

“No.” I replied quickly, giving him a scornful look.

“So you are going to sleep with him?” He questioned wittingly.

 “No Harry I am not going to sleep with him. Unlike some people in this car, I do have something called standards. I just don’t sleep with a friend on the first day of our relationship.” I said sarcastically. He held a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt by my words. But once again, I could see through his cheeky grin that he was only messing with me.

“Aahh so it’s one of your friends. Which one? Please don’t tell me it’s that short guy Phil that likes you, I mean, please, you can do so much better. You were, after all, dating me. You can’t drop your standards.” He claimed confidentially, his eyes constantly switching from the road to my gaze.

“It’s no one you need to know about Harry. Plus, I don’t even know if this will work out. Like, this could all go pear shaped and he may not even like me and he could...” I stopped myself when I realised I was starting to babble. Harry looked at me knowingly. He was the only one that could read my facial expressions. We had finally arrived and parked in front of my friends house and we were now sitting in the car staring at each other.

“You’re nervous aren’t ya! I can see it on your face. Don’t worry Taz, you’re a real catch, you’ve got nothing to worry about” He reassured me. I looked down and turned my head to face the window. Silently, I replied.

“It’s just, like I haven’t exactly been with someone since you and well they say practice makes perfect and well I haven’t been able to – “ I stopped mid sentence when Harry’s hand touched my cheek, prompting me to turn around and face him. I shifted my gaze to his direction and watched as he leant in and started to kiss me. His hand stayed on my cheek as his warm lips met mine. I could feel the electricity between us. I had always known we still had a connection, yet I always chose to ignore it. But, there we were, him leaning over the driver’s seat, passionately kissing me. Slowly, he started to pull away but I craved so much more. Unable to talk, move, perhaps even breath, I just sat there absolutely mesmerised by his presence. Suddenly, he smiled cheekily and laughed.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about, you’re still a great kisser” He told me, before he hastily opened his car door and exited the vehicle, leaving me to ponder over our kiss in the car. It was at that moment that I realised that although the kiss had not meant much to him, it had meant so much more to me. 

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