Chapter 1

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"You think that you're just going to waltz right in here Miss Clarrens? You think I can't see you?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but Mr. Melbers just continued on plowing through his speech. He had probably written a whole notebook's worth of snappy teacher comments during his'coffee break', which he spent smoking cigars behind the gymnasium with the principal; they were best buds, so I wouldn't doubt it. Mr. Melbers turned his back to me; his mustache twitched with every step he took.

I eyed Jenna in the corner. Jenna Lancaster has been my best friend since we were in first grade. She was the girl who made mud pies with me, and consoled me when my goldfish died. She was my other half, my sister, the yin to my yang. Now she was stifling a fit of giggles, but not succeeding as a few snorts slipped out. I crossed my eyes at her, mocking the teacher, which in turn caused her face to turn red. Death would be better than listening to Melbers. He was like a menopausal housewife.

"Excuse me."

My brain rattled in my eardrums and I was shoved abruptly to the side as a stranger barreled into the room; his face shrouded by a hoodie. He walked right up to Mr. Melbers, cut right into his boring speech, and thrust a paper into his hands. Mr. Melbers...was silenced. I've never seen him stay quiet long enough to breathe. He gave the schedule a quick scan and then looked up with a smile at the new kid that towered above him.

"You must be Lukas! Lukas Klein! Everybody, this is our new student."

I had tuned out the conversation, staring outside in the hallway at Timothy McGreggers who was walking towards me. He grinned, pecked me on the cheek and I pushed him away, walking back into the class. It was a love-hate relationship with me and Timothy since ninth grade, yet we still kept in contact. I thought of it as nice game of cat and mouse, and I always kept him coming back.

When I looked back into the classroom I watched in horror as I saw my new neighbor. Mr. Melbers had done more than one 'nice' thing today; not only did he give me the world's longest lecture, but he sat the weird new kid next to me. Gotta love Math class.

I slumped from the doorway, away from Timothy, dragging my feet to my seat and dumping my books on top of my desk. Only seven more months of school to go! This was going to be fun. The room went dark as Mr. Melbers turned on the screen projector and everyone took out their notebooks. I never needed any help with math; it was the one thing I was best at.

I sunk into my chair, analyzing the slide-show as he explained. Yet, I kept getting this creepy feeling as if someone was watching me. Jenna was popping her gum and staring out the window, and everyone else was paying attention to the teacher. So I glanced out of the corner of my eye, to my new neighbor.

I looked, but it was so damn dark in that room, I couldn't even see his eyes. Plus, that hoodie of his was covering his face. I squinted harder, yet he was looking straight ahead. What's his name? Oh yeah, Leon. Wait, I think it's...Larry?


I snapped out of my investigation and faced Mr. Melbers.

"What?" I snapped.

Mr. Melbers glared at me through narrowed eyes. "So? What's the answer?"

My eyes skimmed the problem on the board, and I replied nonchalantly, "Four."

Mr. Melbers' mouth dropped open a bit. Obviously disappointed, he muttered "Very good."

He walked over to the other side of the room and flicked on the light switch. Many groans were let out as people adjusted to the light, and I stretched back my arms with a yawn. I shifted to my right and inadvertently knocked the pencil off of my desk. As I bent to get it, a hand reached out and snatched it. What the... I followed the pale fingers to an arm, all the way to a shoulder, and then to a hood. That damn kid was making me angry. Never trust anyone who hides their face. The bell rang and I snatched it back from him, murmuring a quick thanks before I walked out the door with Jenna.

We walked to health class before we said our goodbyes.

"Hey, did you see that guy? In class, last period?" I asked.

Jenna popped her gum again, thinking over the long list of mental contacts she had organized in her head, "Lukas Klein?"

So that was his name. I nodded, "God bless that beautiful head of yours!" I laughed and waved goodbye, flying into class as the bell rang. We were using the auditorium this year, since our original classroom had flooded and the school board didn't have enough money, or just didn't care to fix it - either one. I chose the back row and quickly fished out my Spanish homework from my bag.

As I began writing in the answers, Lukas came in, handed his documents to the teacher and then headed up towards the back of the auditorium. He zipped up the isle and plopped down right beside me. Once again, he startled me beyond compare. My homework slid off of my lap and papers went flying everywhere. I fell to my knees on to the floor,scooping everything into my arms as I fought to catch every piece of crap that slid out of my folder.

Lukas remained seated, staring blankly at me as I scrambled across the floor below him. Normal people would help, but no! Lukas was too much of a self-righteous ass to help. Thank you very much prince charming. I shoved everything into my bag, giving up on the assignment I was supposed to do, and slumped back into my seat. I blew the hair out of my eyes and swung my body towards him. I still couldn't see his face. That damn hoodie! I reached up and yanked it back, revealing Lukas Klein's face. His hand shot up and grabbed my wrist, griping it firmly so I had no room to twist free. I stared wide-eyed at my hand and then at him.

Jet-black locks of hair fell into a perfect disheveled pile on his head, one of those 'fell-out-of-bed-but-used-a-buttload-of-products-to-get-it-to-look-this-way' sorta things. He had a sharp jawline, now clenched in anger, and frighteningly handsome, emerald eyes that bore into my baby blue ones. Lukas was freakishly hot, but annoyance and fury boiled to a much higher extent than his good looks, and I stared angrily back at him.

"" I hissed through clenched teeth.

Lukas continued to stare at me though, searching for something. Who the hell did this guy think he was? A strange aroma emanated from him, floral and...citrus. Did this kid douse himself with air-freshner before leaving his house? My nose wrinkled in disgust, and he finally let my hand drop into my lap. His jaw unclenched, but he wouldn't stop staring at me. I tried to tear my gaze away, but I found it quite hard. His eyes-they were amazing. Lukas's irises were a deep, bold green, yet a hint of gold outlined his pupils. All framed by his thick lashes and dark eyebrows. His lips were full and plush, willing and curious.

"Hey!" Someone poked in on my other side.

"Hm?" I answered uninterested as I was immersed in Lukas's steely stare.

Timothy had walked into health class and sat beside me. He had also put his hand on my thigh, but I hadn't noticed since I was hypnotized by Lukas' eyes. Lukas shifted his gaze from mine, to Tim's hand, and his expression changed from one of curiosity to one of revulsion. I blinked, unsure of what had just happened, and looked down as well. The air had suddenly become stale, and the atmosphere had turned extremely awkward.

I pushed away Timothy's hand and placed my books on my knees instead. Timothy shot me an agitated look but I ignored it. Frustration made my skin crawl as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Lukas was so damn unnerving and Timothy wasn't helping anything. I lept out of my seat, brushing past Lukas's knees to get out of the auditorium.

I don't know who this kid is, but I don't like him. And he just went to the top of my shit-list.

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