Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to The NYC Wattpad Meetup

One, two, three. That was how many sentences I had managed to put down for the 1,000 word essay we were required to write. By this time, my paper should have caught on fire by how long I had been glowering at it with a burning hatred. Who in their right mind would assign a one thousand word essay on triangles? Mr. Melbers. Who in their right mind would have the obedience and smug intelligence to complete this assignment? Lukas.

I grinned as I watched him work away, making sure he had two sharpened pencils and one eraser. The tip of his pencil graced the paper with such ease and precision, I couldn't help but be mesmerized - by writing. Lukas's penmanship was an art-form, comprised of swift, beautiful strokes and sharp order. Utter perfection. I gazed around the rest of the room, watching tiredly as the jocks passed dirty cartoons between themselves and spit wet wads of tissue at Chuck, the class nerd.

Jenna was sat in her usual corner with one cheek plastered to her desktop as she snoozed, and I smiled as I noticed a small pool of drool forming around her pursed lips. Lukas rose gallantly from his desk and strode through the isle of desks towards Mr. Melbers's which was layered with stacks of exams, all of which were patterned with crisp, red F's. Lukas arrived, graced the depressed desk with his perfect paper, and returned back to me.

Mr. Melbers stared after him with the same bewildered and seduced admiration that every other boy and girl and this school had for Lukas. His dull eyes suddenly lit up and Mr. Melbers immediately shoved aside his other work to read Lukas's masterpiece on triangles. I too gave up on my pathetic attempt at writing an essay and turned to Lukas who had now shifted his seat closer to mine. He slouched against his chair and pulled me in to lay my head on his shoulder. I let him rest our entwined hands on my thigh and snuggled closer.

"Excuse me."

Every single head turned towards the front of the classroom in the desperate hopes that whatever disruption this was would save them from their misery. And hell, it did. Lukas and I looked up with lazy interest, and Jenna perked up as she wiped her wet mouth hastily with the back of her hand. There, towering above Mr. Melbers in dark, black heels and undisguised sex appeal, was probably one of the most gorgeous girls I had ever seen.

Every boy in class gawked and I could see Mr. Melbers, too, was taken aback by this stranger's magnetic presence. "Yes?" he managed to croak. The girl smiled, her cotton candy pink lips parting to reveal a set of pearly white teeth.

"I am the new exchange student."

How cliche. She must be from freakin' Romania or some other potato-consuming-big-breasted European country. Well, she was well-endowed on top, one plus one, you have your answer. However, no specific accent came to light when she spoke and I strained to hear some shred of stupidity in her voice.

"Exchange student?" Mr. Melbers rose out of his desk, wiping his hands of some imaginary filth as he straightened his tie and tried to make something of the mess of his desk, shuffling papers and tossing pens into drawers. "I wasn't told of any new arrivals, by god, it's winter, what is this crap..." Mr. Melbers mumbled underneath his breath.

"Is there a problem, Sir?"

Melbers looked up at the innocent beauty with a dumb grin and shook his head. Egotistical bastard, now he was going to get a hard-on in front of everyone just because a pretty girl called him Sir. This school was in some serious need of change.

"No, no, heaven's no. Uh, just tell me your name and then I'll get you your seat."

"Leah Bessette."

"Alright. Bessette, B, let me see..." Melbers grabbed a seating chart, which he never used, and looked over the paper with fake comprehension. "You can sit over there, Miss. Bessette."

The girl looked in the direction of Mr. Melbers' pointed finger and crossed the room to sit next to Jenna. Leah arrived at her supposed seat and batted her long lashes as Chuck, who scrambled out of the chair with keen desire. Something felt strange though, and I looked to my right to see Lukas. His face was pallid and turning a sickly hue as he swallowed tentatively. I watched his Adam apple bob up and down and his jaw clench nervously. His hand, which grasped mine, became clammy. But it was his lower lip which threw me off completely.

With pure shock, I looked closely to see it tremble, just the slightest, such a small and seemingly insignificant action. But my eyes grew wide as I realized what was going on. Lukas was - afraid. In fact, terrified.

"Lukas?" I whispered with a panicked tone of voice, and held on to his hand tighter.

He turned his face away from me but I managed to hear him mutter, "I think I'm going to throw up."

My brow furrowed in confusement, "Can we even do that anymore? I thought that -"


Lukas tore his hand from mine and instead grasped his hair in fistfuls as he shut his eyes. I tried to move my hand towards his shoulder, but he jerked away from me violently and instead lurched up from his desk and sped to the front of the room.

"Mr. Klein!"

Lukas didn't stop, instead he rose one hand in excuse as he turned his back to Mr. Melbers and shot out the classroom door. I sat bewildered, frustrated and abandoned. I turned to my left, gazing in Jenna's direction. But instead I was met with Leah's cold eyes. A dark, navy blue, they suddenly morphed into two orbs of pitch black and her once rosy lips curled into a cruel grin. Her darkness began to consume me, and I felt as though I couldn't breathe. Then, before I knew it, she was back to her innocent, charming beauty.

I swallowed hard, my stomach suddenly turning queasy as I was hit with a overwhelming sense of isolation. Everyone was staring at me; they all thought that I was the cause of Lukas's strange outburst. But I met them with the same confused, accusing stare before I quickly lowered my gaze to my open palms.

What the hell just happened?

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