Chapter 12

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What was I supposed to do now? There was no way I was going to find Lukas , and school wasn't over yet. I couldn't sneak back in and besides, I didn't want to face Tim. That little encounter had me looking over my shoulder every five minutes, so I decided to duck into a small coffee shop and clear my head. 

I rummaged through the pockets of my jeans and pulled out a wrinkled five dollar bill. That should be enough. Walking towards the counter, I inhaled the rich aroma of roasted coffee beans and bakery treats.

"Hello, what can I get you?"

Well that was a loaded question, maybe for starters - my boyfriend. I gave a tired smile to the acne-ridden college student that stood behind the cash register, and glanced up at the menu that hung over his head.

"Uh, a latte. Small please."

He nodded, punched some buttons on the register and replied, "That'll be 2.50."

"Great, " I grumbled as I handed him the bill and the register sprung open. I gazed around the shop as I waited for my change and eyed a comfy, plush armchair in the corner.

"Miss?  Your change."

I turned and took the money, smiling hastily as he reached out to deliver my coffee as well. I thanked him and maneuvered my way through the tables until I reached the armchair and plopped down. Ah, now that was better. The cushions sank slowly beneath me and the worn leather hugged my sides as I relaxed.

I took the lid off of my coffee and slowly took a cautious sip as the steam swirled around my nose. It didn't really...taste like anything. It was as if I were drinking hot water, but that couldn't be right. I stared into the dark contents that were topped off with a soft, milky foam in my cup - seemed to be coffee. I shrugged, I couldn't care less at this point, it did the job.

I could feel my limbs become loose and a growing tingling sensation travel through my body as I slowly melted from the harsh, frosty weather outside. Lidell was beautiful in the winter. A storybook town with icicle dotted trees that lined the streets, or even the small shops in the center of town that would hang Christmas ornaments in their windows.

Too bad that was the only good thing about this town; it's image. I frowned at the thought, but gazed through the coffee shop window as I remembered various childhood memories. The first diner I ever went to, over on 6th street - best pancakes I ever had. And where I had my first date. I can still remember how anxious I was, how I kept combing my hair with my fingers and checking if I had enough lip gloss on. 

It was Timothy who took me. Back before he developed an ego and knew how to style his hair. He was so funny; he could make me laugh at even the most absurd of things.  I looked down into my cup again, feeling my jaw clench at the memory of him. On to a brighter topic, it was the puppy store that I really loved. I smiled to myself as I thought of Casper, the black and white sheepdog that was my present for my eighth birthday.

And then Christopher fed  him chocolate two years later. Ugh, that little twerp, thank God that winter break was only a week away. Then Christopher would be sent off to my aunt and uncle in Florida. My little brother was as charming as food poisoning and I grinned as I set my empty coffee cup down on the window sill.

I stood to get a napkin from the table by the cash register, but stopped in my tracks as I noticed a woman sitting with a lap top by the front door. She looked so familiar, tan, big frizzy hair, where do I know her from? I frowned as I tried to wrack my brain for clues, but stopped as I noticed myself standing in the middle of the coffee shop staring intently at a stranger. 

She turned from her laptop as gazed back at me with a timid expression. Oh crap, I've officially creeped her out. I suddenly walked towards her. not even knowing what I was doing myself. I held out my hands apologetically,

"Uh, hi! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. It's just that, I know you - wait that sounds strange - I mean I think I know you. I just can't remember from where - "

"You're Rachel, right?"

I shut my mouth as the woman gave me a warm smile, and I let out a relieved sigh as I nodded.

"Yes. And you are...?"

"Daniella," She stuck out a hand and I felt my lips part into an O as I remembered immediately. I eagerly shook her outstretched hand.

"Our first date! Well, I mean my first date with Lukas. You own the restaurant."

She nodded thoughtfully and I gestured to the seat across from her as an invitation to sit.

"Oh, sure!," she grabbed her bag from the chair, "Did you like the place?"

I sat down, excited to finally talk, "It was great! I'm sort of new to the whole...vampire thing for lack of a better phrase."

"It's okay," Daniella laughed, "So how are you and Lukas?"

My brow furrowed in frustration and I felt my smile fall as I struggled to answer her. Daniella's eyes widened and she quickly rushed in, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

"No, no, it's okay. Really. I think that Lukas and I are fine, but today, something very odd happened. And I've trying to get a hold of him - to get an explanation, but he just disappeared."

Daniella frowned, "That's not good, you're saying you looked everywhere?"

"Well, not exactly. I don't know where he lives and he wasn't listed in the phone book-"

I stopped as Daniella began to laugh softly, "Am I missing something here?"

"Lukas won't be listed in the phone book."

I nodded, wanting her to continue, "But I do know where he lives."

I felt a grin creep across my lips, "Can you tell me his address? I need to see him."

Daniella nodded and grabbed the napkin that was beside her laptop. Fishing a pen out from her bag, I waited, ancy, as she scribbled something across the napkin and then handed it to me. I grabbed it from her and thanked her quickly as I jogged out of the coffee shop and out onto the corner of the street. Looking down at the napkin, I squinted as I read the address, Apt. 18, Grisham, Woodrow Drive.

Woodrow drive, that was...I looked up towards the various streets, watching as they winded upward towards the top of the hillside that Lidell was situated on. Just dandy. I fished out the remaining money from my pocket, just enough for bus fare. He better be up there.

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