Chapter 2

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Cafeteria-check. Money-check. Mystery meatloaf -check.


I raced through the jungle of junkies and pregnant cheerleaders that flocked around the trash cans until I finally was able to squeeze to the front of the line. I slid an orange tray across the counter towards Mrs. Berkes, the only adult I could tolerate at this school.

"Hey Mrs. Berkes!” I said enthusiastically, “How's Mr. Berkes doing?"

"Wha-?" she squinted her milky eyes and leaned towards me, her rolls of fat over flowing onto the counter as her perfectly hair-sprayed bangs stayed in place tucked under her fishnet cap. She stared at me from behind thick-rimmed glasses set high upon her small, snub nose, and she chomped away on her gum loudly as she struggled to turn up her hearing aid.

"I said how is Mr. Berkes doing?” I shouted.

Her face lit up as she grinned widely, her cheeks caked with bright pink blush and her thin lips smothered in obnoxious red lipstick. It made the woman happy, why not."Oh! He's doin’ just fine, just fine. I'll tell 'em ya said hi,dear."

She gave me an extra portion of tater tots and I winked at her in return. I shelled out four bucks and walked past to get some napkins. As I started squirting some ketchup on my tater tots I happened to glance over by the trash cans.

Lukas Klein was standing beside them, three cheerleaders swooning beneath him. I guess they liked creepy guys who reeked of rotten fruit and flowers. He had stopped wearing his hood, and his glance flicked over to mine for a brief minute. It was if I had been blinded, and I quickly looked the other way. Why did that always happen?

"Hey girl! Gimme a tot." A hand reached out and snatched a hunk of the fried potato off of my tray, and I quickly smiled, turning to say hi to Jenna.

She linked her arm in mine as she too carried a tray filled with 'salad', which I liked to call grass, and a can of diet Snapple. We made our way across the lunchroom and picked a table next to the window. It was pouring rain outside and I watched as sheets of heavy droplets bounced against the glass pane.

Large, grey storm clouds lurked overhead, and I stared longingly outside as Jenna blabbered on about some guy she had developed an interest in. There was nothing I loved more than the rain. My one solace was a raging storm, and I took any chance I had to walk through one.

There was only two more hours left of school. When the bell rang, students went flying for the halls to get to class. I walked leisurely, saying hi to the occasional friend and taking a stick of gum from Timothy. He walked with me to study hall, trying to hold my hand or kiss me, but I always shifted to the other side of the hallway or pushed him away.

Timothy shrugged it off and left, so I decided to ditch study hall as well. It was Friday anyways. I kept walking until I reached an exit and slammed through the doors, walking head on into the pouring rain.

The drops came down like bullets and they shot sparks of ice all across my skin. I unzipped my hoodie and wrapped it around my waist, letting my hair down as well. Within seconds, the storm had soaked me completely and I continued walking farther away from the school. Soon, I couldn't even makeout where I was headed, and I grinned blindly through the walls of rain that hindered my vision

Up ahead, I barely made out an open field. A sea of golden waves, I found myself sprinting across its wide ocean of serenity until I found a nice, wide patch in the center. Perfect. I closed my eyes and fell back, landing with a thud on the ground as the large stalks of wheat enveloped me. My hair was drenched against the matted wheat beneath me as I spread out my arms above my head. I welcomed it, all of it. For once, I didn't have to open my eyes or give a care in the world.

"Do you normally do this?"

I shrieked, my eyes flying open as I scrambled backwards on my hands and feet until I managed to stand upright. In front of me stood a soaked Lukas Klein.

"What the hell areyou doing, sneaking up on me like that? What are you, psycho?"

"Nope…just avampire."

I laughed, raking my hands through the wet mess of hair on my head. "Very funny.You can leave now."

Lukas took another step towards me, yet I remained composed, not letting him smell a hint of emotion. His gaze narrowed as he slowly opened his mouth, giving me a clear view of his pearly whites. But it was the two sharp incisors that slowly slid down from his gums that threw off my calm exterior.

"Stop playing, Rachel."

"What are you talking about?" I eyed him suspiciously, taking a step backward.

Lukas wore an unwavering expression, determined to get some sort of truth out of me, "I know everything."

I stared at him confused, "Those are completely fake, by the way. You're never going to trick anyone, Lukas. Is that the best you can do?"

"Don't change the subject." Well, someone had a stick jammed up their ass.

Within a split second, he was plastered to me. His hand gripped my throat while the other one was glued to the small of my back, shoving my body against his. Lukas pressed his icy lips to my jaw, lightly leading them downward, sending eerie chills up my spine. My skin brokeout in goose bumps as my eyes gently closed. Ecstacy, a haze of burning desire, and I grew limp with content will.

His nose grazed the hollow of my collarbone, all the way to the crevice between my ear and neck. There, he gingerly ran the sides of his fangs against my throat, closing his lips into an unusually heated kiss as he cautiously, pricked my skin. It was…electrifying. I couldn't help it. I wanted it-him. My body shuddered with pleasure and I moved my throat against his fangs, letting a small rivulet of my blood trail down my neck. I felt Lukas's tongue flick across my skin - it was sensual, it was riveting, it was…too much to take.

My knees grew weak and I pushed him away with pathetic force. I backed away, my hand clamped over my mouth, and I glanced at Lukas who wore a simple smirk. He simply his chin, turned away, and disappeared through the field of swishing wheat as a large bolt of lightning crackled through the dark skies.

I removed my hand, letting the rain wash over my aching fangs as I stared after him, with guilt –no, shame. He had found out. A secret that I had hidden was now exposed. I felt afraid and vulnerable; I had been discovered.

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