Chapter 16

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"I knew it, you don't even give a shit."

No, you don't understand. I'm trying, I'm trying. Just let me explain. She turned, her hair a flashing fire as she travelled deeper into the sea of people. She was engulfed immediately, and I shoved and elbowed, clawing at shoulders as I fought to chase after her.

"I knew it, you don't even give a shit."

She was next to me, practically inches from my nose.

"I do. I do, please, just let me-"

She's gone, and I turn in circles, searching for her. To my right, a speck of red appears and I swallow swigs of air as the room begins to grow hotter by the minute. I grasp on to her shoulder, and she turns but it's not Jenna. In fact, it isn't anyone, just a blank blob of skin, no eyes no mouth - nothing. I back away as the mannequin of a person begins to advance, and I back into another flash of red.

"You have to give me a chance, I just need to-"

Another faceless demon holding a red cup. Everyone turns, they're all blank, all red. An ocean of bright, red hair, and I fight to look above them but they begin to multiply. Faster and faster, my feet no longer touch the ground, I'm riding a wave of torment and the walls begin to shrink inwards. I'm screaming, choking, there's no air, there's no Jenna.

I knew it, you don't even give a shit.

The music vibrates dangerously through my chest and I feel my brain pound and swell inside my skull as I try to run for the front door. But they're there; the army of blank slates; no-names, and they grasp on to me as they begin to drag me down.


I cry out in mercy as they grip harder, but the neon lights of the party begin to fade as the mannequins close in on me.


I turn, over the music I hear my name. Someone, coming to my salvation. I reel my neck to my left, struggling to make sense through the noise. And then they're gone. All of them, the music is cut, and the hall is emptied. I spin, searching wildly for Jenna, I can find her now, they've all left. I start towards the banister of the staircase and launch myself off the first step as I start to take in three at a time, quickly covering the stairs until I reach the top floor. I call her name over and over, but no response.


I stop, it's her voice. She's still here, I knew it. I grin, following the echo down the corridor as I pass floral wallpaper and stray solo cups that litter the floor.


"I'm coming Jen! I'm coming!"

I reach the end of the corridor, arriving at a white door. Gripping the handle, I fly in with glee as I prepare my apology. She'll listen this time, I have it all down, I know what to say. She'll forgive me, this will all be over and done with. The room is dark, I squint as I try to adjust to the absence of light and I feel along the wall to my left for a switch.


I give up and walk further into the room, following the call of her sing-song voice.

"I'm here Jenna, but I can't see you. Turn on the light."

A small glow of light appears in response, and I look towards the corner where it emanates from a small, table side lamp.

"Can you see me now?"

I shake my head and begin to speak when two, shiny orbs flash. I stop dead in my tracks, my blood running cold as a hooded figure steps out in the line of light. No face, just a pair of pitch black eyes, and I get the feeling that I should run, that this isn't Jenna. But my feet are like two boulders, glued to the floor and my lips are sealed shut. Run Rachel, run god dammit.

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