The Cup Of Tea

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A cup of tea was all it took to take you, and your now boyfriend, Louis. Here's your love story:

You were getting late for your Uni classes, but you didn't care. You were a very outgoing and easy person, and you also didn't stress about anything much. It was only one day you were missing out on classes, anyway, what harm would it do?

You were craving a cup of tea but there wasn't any left in your dorm, so you had to go out to a café for something similar.

You always walked with your headphones on, so that's what you were doing. Walking with music blasting through your ears, and you enjoyed it. People thought you were crazy for having your headphones on so loud, but you didn't care. You enjoyed the thrill you got when you heard the bass or the guitar. Especially, when your favourite songs came on; all from mostly My Chemical Romance or Green Day.

"May nothing but death do us part, oh."

Fall Out Boy's song was shooting into your and a smile started crawling on your face.

You found a cafe soon, and entered, lowering the volume of your music so you can at least hear a person from not so far away.

You took a seat in one of the stools, and waited until someone walked by for you to order your coffee or tea.

A person finally came a long and you couldn't be happier. Maybe a bit too happy.

"Hey, excuse me, may I please get a cup of coffee and tea?" You asked.

"Both?" The worker tilted her head. "Mixed?"

"No, just seperately, please." You smiled and she nodded with a smile back.

"Mixed would be pretty cool." Someone beside you spoke. You took off your headphones and nodded.

"I tried it once...I had a lot of bathroom problems that week." You said.

"Ah, things would probably go even worse for me." The man pursed his lips. "I'm Louis."

"I'm Y/N," You said with a smile. That's when you began to realize that the man looked awfully familiar.

"You look familiar," Both of you said at the same time, and Louis chuckled.

"Wait, I remember!" You blurted. "You're in my Lecture classes- whatever those Lecture halls are called."

Louis nodded knowingly. "Oh, that's right. Isn't the lecture going on right now? Shouldn't you be there?"

"Shouldn't you?" You shrugged.


"Not in the mood to go today." You said, giving a half smile.

"Ooh, rebel," He joked and you playfully gave off a rebel look.

You noticed several tattoos going up his arm and you immediately fell in love with them. You took his arm and examined all the work of art that was on it. "These are so cool,"

"Thank you! They're all teenage boy crazy."

You laughed at that. "No, I like them. Like the stick skateboard figure- oh, that coffee cup one is also really cool. The deer with the heart on top is just pure art. How many do you have?"

"I'd say more than thirty, honestly."

"That's amazing! I have one on my rib cage, but that's it." You shrugged, putting his arm down.

The waitress came back with a cup of coffee and tea, and another cup of tea for Louis.

"Enjoy," She smiled and you smiled back.

"Really?" He asked, sipping his tea.

You nodded. "Yeah, it says Girl Almighty. A quote."

"That's really cool. Maybe we can hang out and you can show me."

"Sure, why not?" You pulled out your phone and checked the time. It was still pretty early, so deciding to quickly finish off your coffee, you'd go to the park or walk around town for a bit.

"Great, I'll see you around then," He winked and finished his tea. You flashed him a smile as he exited and he gave a wave back.

I didn't get his number, You thought. Eh, I'll see him tomorrow on campus.

The next day was the same. You had forgotten all about Louis because your mind was occupied with so many other things. So you went over to the same cafe with music blasting in your ears.

As you walked through the doors, you saw Louis sitting in the same stool as yesterday, and he also was wearing headphones. You took off yours and you could hear his music from that far away.

You walked over to the same stool you were at yesterday; beside him. He looked up and saw you.

"Hey!" You said, smiling.

"Oh, hi, Y/N." He smiled, taking his headphones off. "Back again?"

"Fortunately. You're back again?"

"Clearly," He chuckled. "What brings you back?"

"The coffee and tea were amazing. I was craving it this morning and all of last night." You said, licking your dry lips. Just thinking about it made your mouth dry.

"Same for me. They made the best tea I've ever tasted; besides my own, of course."

"Nah, I bet my tea is better," You shook your head.

"I could bet you it isn't!" Louis challenged.

"Let's bet," You smirked and held out your hand to shake on it. He shook your head and you both the next day, had a "tea-off".

Louis ended up winning and you ended up giving him ten pounds, which he didn't accept because he said that he knew he was going to win so there wasn't any point.

After that, seeing Louis at the cafe became a daily routine. Whether it during a class you were supposed to be at, or after school. You two always somehow found a way to bump into each other at the same time.

Time passed by with the two of you being the best of friends, and eventually, he had asked you out, which you obviously said yes to because of the secret crush you had on him.

Even more time passed by as the seasons changed from warm to cold; sunny to cloudy and the two of you started becoming something serious.

The love you had was eternal, and you needed nothing more but him or from him. It was pure love.

A/N: OMG SO THE BEST IMAGINE EVA IS HERE!!! What did you think about it? Honestly, I'm proud of it :) PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT! 

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